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I was sitting in Mom's office working

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

I was sitting in Mom's office working. Mom walked in and looked pissed off. Blake walked in behind her.

"I cannot believe you just fired 30 people without consulting me!" Mom yelled.

"Actually, it was 29. Turns out Jamie's just one person," Blake said.

"When I told you to cut costs, I didn't mean fire people. I could have done that myself. I am trying to cultivate a stress-free culture here. You know, a place where people actually want to come to work. I mean, that is what makes a company successful," Mom said.

"I know what a successful company is, but thank you for the lesson. And yoga and pedicures at your desk, that's just a... a little too stress-free," Blake said.

"Okay. Well, guess what? This is not Carrington Atlantic, and I don't need to do things the way you did them because this is my company!" Mom said.

"I get it. You want to make your mark. You're still new at the CEO thing," Blake said.

"No. You are taking advantage of this relationship. You would never speak to another CEO this way," Mom said.

"I am the one being taken advantage of here. Another CEO would kill to have a Blake Carrington at their company," Blake said.

"Stop speaking in the third person," Mom said.

"Anyone with a brain would have done the same thing that I did. Your company is bloated. I trimmed the fat," Blake said.

"You are on probation. Starting now," Mom said.

"Probation. What is this, boarding school?" Blake asked.

"First, you are gonna hire back all the people that you fired, and then you are gonna come up with a real solution for the problem that you were brought here to solve," Mom said.

"What do you want me to do? You want me to get rid of the kombucha water coolers?" Blake asked.

"Figure it out! And pray that I don't get sued for wrongful termination. From now on, you play by the rules or else," Mom said.

"I am playing by the rules," Blake said.

"Your 3:00 old-fashioned, sir," Anders said walking in.

"Those are not the rules," Mom said.

"Well, they're my rules. So, technically, hmm, still rules," Blake said.


Mom and I walked into the study where Dad was working on his book.

"Hey! I don't know how your dad got any work done in here. I mean, his whiskey collection is... is sick," Dad said.

"Yes. Well, Blake invests heavily in bourbon futures," Mom said.

"I'm drinking rye," Dad said. It was clear Dad had a bit too much to drink.

"What can I say? He has a diverse portfolio. How's the writing going?" Mom said.

"Oh, it's not. Yeah, I'm completely uninspired. I just...
I-I don't care about the book I sold my publisher. It just...
It feels so insignificant, like... if I didn't write it, it wouldn't matter," Dad said.

"Well, shouldn't writers write about something meaningful to them because then it'll be meaningful to others?" Mom asked.

"You're right. My wife is the smartest woman on Earth. Let's have a drink to celebrate," Dad said holding up two glasses of whiskey.

"No, no, no, no, no. I think you've had enough, Hemingway. Maybe you should get some rest, and then I'll try to figure out how I'm gonna deal with Blake," Mom said taking the glasses off Dad and setting the glasses on the desk.

"Well, I'll tell you how you deal with him," Dad said. "If it's not working, you fire his ass," Dad said wrapping his arm around Mom.

"Okay, well, thank you for that well-thought-out piece of advice, but I can't do that," Mom said reaching back to grab my arm.

"Mm, but you're the boss. Okay? You can do whatever you want," Dad said.

"I hired Blake because I promised I would keep this family together. That's the only way the dynasty can be rebuilt. I mean, do you think the Kennedys all gather together in Hyannis Port because they like each other?" Mom asked.

"Of course not," Dad chuckled.

"Yeah, exactly. It's because they want to show the world that their dynasty can endure, in good times and in bad.
And, besides, firing Blake would be... it would be such a failure on so many levels. And I don't like to fail. On any level," Mom said.

"Okay, well, you're just gonna have to be more patient and give Blake more than two days to fall in line. Okay? And maybe try counting to ten instead of five when it gets tough," Dad said.

"Do you know that much Spanish?" I asked. Mom laughed. "Or back up option. Fallon Carrington fires father but hires misguided orphan teenager," I said.

"You're not an orphan," Mom said. "Or misguided," 


Mom and I were sat in her office. Dad walked in.

"Thought you could use some sustenance to handle Blake," Dad said to Mom. "And don't worry. I got you a breakfast sandwich and some juice thing," Dad said handing me a paper bag.

"Aw! How sweet. But shouldn't you be home writing? Or are you still hungover?" Mom asked.

"I have been sitting in front of my computer all morning," Dad said.

"Well, that sounds promising," Mom said.

"Not really. Last night, when I was doing my best Hemingway impression, you told me to... to write what's meaningful. But, Fallon, I'm writing a book about made-up people with made-up problems. You know? I-I want to make an impact in the world. So I gave the money back to the publisher," Dad said.

"Wow. That was not a small advance," Mom said.

"Yeah. Probably wasn't the smartest idea, because I'm sure my mother's already taken me out of her will by now. But... this isn't about money," Dad said.

"Clearly not. That reminds me, we haven't merged our bank accounts yet, have we?" Mom asked.

"Funny. Anyway, Hemingway was a journalist first. So I'm thinking maybe I should get back to my investigative journalism roots, you know? I-I want to do something that makes me feel alive. You know? Something that has purpose. I want to get my hands dirty. I mean, there's a lot of corruption happening in the world, and I want to root it out," Dad said standing up walking around the room with his back to us.

"You've got to be kidding me," Mom said looking at her phone.

"No, I'm not. I'm doing this," Dad said turning around.

"What? No. No, not you. Blake is already looking for a new job," Mom said.

"How do you know that?" Dad asked.

"He just sent an email," Mom said.

"He sent you an email saying he was looking for a new job?" I asked.

"No, the email wasn't sent to me. I have access to all of my employees' emails. The program flags ones with certain buzzwords like "jobs" or "stealing" or "evil witch boss." And so Blake sent an email to this executive headhunter. There was a contract attached, so I got notified," Mom said.

"Isn't that illegal?" Dad asked.

"I don't know, but he should be arrested," Mom said.

"I meant you reading employee emails," Dad said.

"Oh, Liam. It's 2021. Don't be so naive. Okay, look... To be continued. Right now, I have to find a headhunter of my own and order him to shoot Blake," Mom said.

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