6. Dantooine Outback

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Blue skies flew over the large, yellow-green grassland of Dantooine. The Guardian didn't land at the hangar because of lack of space and how many of the people were crowding the hangar the day they arrived and Jim didn't accept Daini's idea of just landing on them. It made Jake think that the Dantooine citizens are either stubborn or stupid. Daini flew them down onto the land near what seemed like a dark and old building that wasn't too far from the hangar. Jake nor Jim had a good feeling abour her decision on where to land. They could feel the darkside lingering around the building.

Jim meditated in the main room, which had cushioned seats in the corners of the circular room and a large holotable in the left center of the room. Across from the holotable was the arcway that lead to the hallway. Down the hallway was where the supply room, barracks, armory, and engine were stored. Jim was much better than he was a couple days prior. He had properly eaten and drank, and has been meditating. He began to feel the Force flow through him again. It had felt like an old friend.

Daini sat in the armory, polishing her blasters and reloading. She quickly finished the task and began to start reloading every other blaster in the room, ensuring they weren't jammed. She could hear the thuds and zapping coming from where the engine and hyperdrive were stored. EO was making last check-ups on the ship and its systems. Though she understood why the droid was doing this, Daini was visibly annoyed by it and the constant noises.

Jake was sitting lazily on the pilot's seat watching the wind play with the grass. His mind drifted to battles back in the distant past. Standing side by side with his master, except for Umbara where he was forced to take charge. His mind still boiled at the thought of Krell and soothed at the rememberence that he's been long dead. Forcing a Padawan and Captain to lead an entire legion of an army was probably Krell's greatest accompishment.

He forces himself from his seat, switching his line of thought. Dantooine. The closest they have to a clue as to where Obi-Wan, or even Kaylie, is. Jake limps to the side slightly while holding his wound. Over the course of a few days it still hurt, but the pain was pushed back to only really being noticeable when he moves too quickly. He fixes his posture and begins walking down the ship. He finds his brother sitting with his lightsaber and tools infront of him, the lightsaber completely seperated and being held up by the Force.

"What are you doing?" Jake asks.

"Making sure there are no problems. The Umbaran plains could have done a lot to this over the course of five years, and I'd prefer to learn how the lightsaber is doing not while mid-battle." His brother answers, not looking up from his work.

"Are there any?"

"The metal aged, and due to being driven over many times it may not turn on. I'm unsure if this will work."

Jake tosses his own lightsaber at Jim. His brother looks at him in confusion. "I'm injured, you're not. You could use that more proficiently than me while I'll use the Force. I just want you to give me that back."


The two brothers, Mandalorian, and droid stood staring at the dark ancient Temple thats outside was ruined. The dark side emanated from this place. It made Jim want to shudder. They were originally going to skip past this building, but the unfrefuatble pull of the dark side made Jim and Jake question if there were any dark Force sensitives there. They could tell the place was a building though it seemed to have been built under a hill. The ground goes down a slight slant that leads to what appears to be a door as many giant and destroyed pillars stand in path before it.

Jake walks down to the door first, his hands grazing the large stone door carefully. In the center was a square that was ingraved in the door. Jake turned the square and a large rumbles echoes as the two peices of the door separate slowly, revealing inside a long and dark hallway. Jim stood by his side now, holding the lightsaber and using it's blue blade for light. R4-EO beeped nervously before rolling down to them and going inside. The ground was also made of stone, thought this building was definitely ancient. The oldest building Jake has ever stood in, perhaps. Several meters away from them stood another door. Jim takes the lead now as Daini finally steps in.

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