Chapter Twenty Eight- Resolve

Start from the beginning


       049 sat in a cold steel chair within a testing chamber his finger drumming impatiently on the table infront of him.
     "I have been here for quite some time." 049 said.
     "Apologizes SCP 049, Dr.Itkin is running late." The young researcher said.
     "What is this matter about?" 049 asked.
     "Sorry 049 that is above my clearance." The researcher answered. 049 sighed heavily, there was no way now he could catch up on his work. Perhaps Raven would consider spending the evening in his chambers so he could at least try while she slept. The minutes ticked by painfully slow until finally Dr.Itkin walked into the observation room.
     "Afternoon 049. Sorry about that." Dr.Itkin said.
      "Be more mindful in the future if you may. Tardiness is most unbecoming of a doctor." 049 said flatly.
     "Bad day 049?" Dr.Itkin asked righting himself.
      "My patience is in short supply." 049 replied.
     "Okay well this should just make your day. Let's get started shall we. Today 049, SCP 049-C will be paying you a vist-" Dr.Itkin began.
     "I refuse." 049 stated.
     "I know but it is sadily out of my hands I'm afraid." Dr.Itkin said sitting down in a chair.  "Trust me I tried to stop this. Do not worry though you will both be in restrains and Dr.Narváez has volunteered to be the mediator."
     "How long must I bare her company." 049 asked. "And I thank you for you attempts."
    "An hour at most." Dr.Narváez said walking to the testing chamber. He gives a quick wave to Dr.Itkin on the other side of the glass who nods in response.
    "It is an hour too long." 049 snapped.
    "I can understand doctor. Catherine is most disagreeable, to put it lightly." Dr.Narváez said smiling. Swollowing some pills he walked over to 049 and began to check over his restrains.
     "What is the purpose of this Sir." 049 asked. "Beside to put me in a most foul mood."
     "They just wish to see you speak to one another." Dr.Narváez said. 049 smelt lavender in the air along with something else he could not quiet place. His body relaxed his mind clearing as he sighed, 
       "Hello sweet Doctor." Catherine said. 049 said nothing in response.
       "Please wait until we have you fully restrained before speaking Catherine." Dr.Narváez said. 049 watched as Catherine was seated across the long metal table. Her restrains were similar to his own,
     "SCP 049-C consider this a formal warning if you use any form of violence the interview will end and you will be placed in isolation." Dr.itkin said.
      "The same gose for you as well SCP 049." Dr.Sherman added.
       "They are quiet fond of rules." Catherine said. Once more 049 did not reply. "How do you remain here. They treat us no better then common beast.
       "I do not expect you to understand." 049 said. "Nor do I care to explain." Catherine laughed sweetly,
       "Still angry with me husband." Catherine said, "silly really." 049 choose not to dignify her with a response this was simply a waste of his time. "I am not worried, soon you will tire of her of this place. What is her name again?"
      "Dr.Crow SCP 049-C." Dr.Sherman said.
      "Yes that is her. A pretty young thing to be sure. I can see why you are infatuated." Catherine said. "Though by your disagreeable demenour she seems to be lacking experience in pleasuring you properly."
      "She is none of your concern." 049 said darkily.
       "Oh but Doctor that is where you are wrong. The Ambassador has noticed this little bird of yours, he is quiet taken it seems." Catherine says  "He also wishes to see you work again."
     "As I have said I refuse, my answer will not change." 049 said.
    "I found some of your old notes. Tell me me where are the rest?" Catherine asked.
    "I assure you they hold nothing of importance. I knew early on I would not be assisting him." 049 answer.
     "But you made progress we saw it!" Catherine spat.
     "A front used to secure what I required." 049 shurgged. "You are not the only one capable of deceit."
     "But it holds promise!" Catherine said her voice edgy. 049 just shurgged, must to Catherine's dismay. "you are surely jesting with me. After all my worked is based of your theroy." Catherine's eyes were panic and desperate as she spoke.
      "Do not soil my good name with your madness." 049 said coldly.    
      "I am sure the Ambassor would allow Dr.Crow to take you as a lover. I would not mind either, if you complete your task." Catherine purred. "Though it has been some time since you last graced my bed. I may need to keep you for myself at first."
     "Allow me to clarify. Dr.Crow is mine, and we are no more. Infact we never were. As for my original purpose I refuse to waste further time discussing it." 049 said flatly. "I shall have no part in it."
     "You disappoint me." Catherine says  sadily. "I believed you would see reason. Perhaps your time here has disillusioned you?"
     "I am glade to disappoint you." 049 said.
      "When did you loose your nerve doctor?" Catherine sneered. 049 ignored her and checked over himself, looking for loose stitching and needed repairs. Catherine narrows her eyes and sits up as straight as a pin. "You will be made to comply." Catherine said. 049 still ingores her as he checked over his leather cover hands for blood. "The King will have his bride!" 049 cracked his knuckles rubbing them they were quiet sore today, he would rub frankensense oil on them later.
      "Your attempts at angering me are growing tiresome." 049 sighed. "May I return to my work?"
     "Sorry doctor I believe they wish you to speak longer." Dr.Narváez answered. "We will be compensating you so please try to interact."
     "Very well." 049 said.
     "Compensation? Truly?" Catherine huffed. "Shall you bark like a dog for them as well! How do you stand this! You posses the strength to leave so why stay?"
     "I do not know what you speak of." 049 said. Catherine paused only to laugh,
    "You have fooled them! Oh dearest husband you would them believe you weak!" Catherine shook her head before looking toward Dr.Narváez. "you how ever are not fooled though by my husband's act."
     "I will ask but once that you stop referring to me as such." 049 said. "I wish nothing to do with you."
     "We worked so well together doctor." Catherine cooed. "When we traveled, ah the fond memories it brings."
     "Such fondness that you abandoned us, claiming me unwell and unfit. You declared you would find it on your own, without being surrounded by simpletons." 049 answered.
    "Such mistakes are made in the pursuit of greatness of one's work. Would you not agree?" Catherine said.
    "My work is not done for myself, but at the behest of others." 049 spat.
    "Then why do the cage you then? Shackle and shame you for your work? They know nothing of your mind, what it can do. Yet you toss away offers of freedom and prestige to what be with that harlot of a women! Pathetic doctor, she is not even yours to rightfully claim! When will you see that your current work is meaningles!" Catherine shouted struggling against her restraints.
      "Are we finished?" 049 said, "or should I be forced to endure more."
     "No doctor I do believe that is enough." Dr.Narváez said. "Dr. Itkin, Dr.Sherman?"
     "We have more then enough data." Dr.Itkin said. "049 we wi-."
     "No." Dr.Sherman said. "049 has barely responded to any questions posed to him."
     "A moment 049." Dr.Itkin said.
     "Of course good doctor." 049 replied. 049 watched as they argued silently, as he was not able to hear with the microphone off.
      "You reak of her sent." Catherine spat darkily.
      "You reak of his." 049 replies jestering to Dr.Sherman. "his cologne is quiet cheep."
     "Have you told her yet I wonder," Catherine said. "Of her purpose."
     "She is ment for more." 049 said firmly.
      "The first of her kind to be born in our world since the deal was made.  She is meant for breeding nothing more." Catherine spat. 
      "If you wish to think that way." 049 said gesturing. "It shows the simple mind you posses."
      "What do you mean." Raven's voice crackled over the com. "Meant for breeding."
      "Only one of your make can bare children." Catherine answered.
      "Pay her no heed." 049 said.
      "My make?" Raven asked.
      "Oh yes." She laughed coldly, "and only a very powerful few can implant a seed within you." Catherine said her eyes cruelly watching Raven become overwhelmed. "Why do you think you are so coveted as a prize? You are ment to be owned, to submit." Raven's eyes move back and forth her chest heaving as her face darkened.    
      "I am not a prize piece of meat! I choose whom I wish to be with. I choose if I want to bare children." Raven said firmly. "If I do not wish it, it will not happen!"
      "Seems you have told her some at least." Catherine shrugs. "Not all but some."  
        "Silence!" 049 yelled. He could see the hurt and anger in Raven's lovely golden eyes. It was one thing to insult him it was another to insult her.
         "Finally hit a nerve did I?" Catherine said.  "I see she makes you weak."
        "Fuck you." Raven spits
        "Such elegance," Catherine mocked.
        "Alright, that is enough Catherine." Dr.Narváez said.  "Agent take 049 back to his chambers."

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