A Next Generation Legend: Part 10 [Daily Life END]

Start from the beginning

"I stayed true to my word and guarded the halls all night," Taka explained "I've done it before several times since we got here so...I thought pulling an all-nighter would be more easier than that. It really...wasn't..."

As he said this, he sat down in his seat, and within a few seconds, his face hit the table.

"Bro, are you alright!?" Mondo exclaimed, shaking him awake, worried the impact may have hurt him.

"Uh...so...how were things last night?" Chihiro asked, uncomfortably.

"Thankfully, nothing actually happened, but I doubt things c-could've gone worse for me..." Taka gave his report "I swear I heard n-n-noises all of last night and I thought I saw shadows moving...I think I spent half the time jumping and getting scared by nothing..."

"You know Taka, no one is forcing or asking you to do these patrols," Sakura reminded him "you need not subject yourself to this trial if it hurts you so..."

"Thank you for your concern Sakura, but I will be fine," he said "I'll get used to it eventually."

"Very well. I assume you're going on another shift tonight," Sakura said "but tomorrow morning, after it's over, meet me up at the bio lab on the third floor. I want to discuss possibly joining you and lending you a hand on the shifts, so we can cover more floors."

"I...I suppose I would like that...if you do not mind..." Taka considered.

"You did good, Taka," Makoto assured him "you can take a break today, and if you really are gonna go back out there tonight, maybe get yourself some rest..."

Taka was too tired to respond. He closed his eyes, and within moments, he fell asleep, and slumped to the side, resting his head on Mondo's shoulder.

"Ah! H-Hey! Get off me man!" Mondo uncomfortably tried to shake him off. Taka did not respond, and kept sleeping soundly, and Mondo began to get all the more embarrassed.

"I will carry him back to his room," Sakura said "I will see you all later."

True to her word, Sakura easily picked Taka up and slung him over her shoulder, making her way back to the dorm area, presumably to put him to bed.

"She's becoming more like the group's mom-figure every day..." Junko couldn't help but point out.

Chihiro went to go grab himself some breakfast, and maybe some cupcakes if they had any in stock. However, before he could make it to the kitchen, he suddenly felt someone slip something into his pocket. He stopped mid stride for a moment, and reached into his pocket, taking out what was in it. It was a note, written with the same sort of fountain pen Hiro used in his note yesterday, but the handwriting was different.

"Meet me you-know-where today before the nighttime announcement. We need to discuss Alter Ego."


Chihiro glanced behind him in the direction of the girl with the gloves, but she didn't bat an eye in his direction. Clearly, she was trying to remove suspicion.

What could she possibly want to talk to me about...? Chihiro thought to himself, going to get his breakfast.

The rest of the day went by fairly uneventfully. Chihiro figured Kyoko probably wanted to meet up before night time, given that Taka had kicked his surveillance into high gear now. He cautiously made his way to the bathhouse, being careful to avoid eye-contact from anyone else who was about, but upon entering the bathhouse changing rooms, he stumbled across an unexpected figure, sitting on the bench. Not Kyoko, but Yasuhiro.

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