Ultimate Despair: Part 5

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"Alright, so now's the time you bust out your "big plan" Kyoko," Chihiro told her as they walked after her "how are we going to stop Monokuma killing me when we meet with him?"

"You said it had something to do with how the Mastermind's been cornered," Mondo recalled "what does that mean?"

"I would assume that by now, the Mastermind is back in their control room and is in control of Monokuma once again" Kyoko told them.

"Ok...and...?" Chihiro tilted his head.

"We all agree by now that the Mastermind killed Byakuya and held a class trial with the intent of offing me," Kyoko continued "but in the process of doing so, and subsequently failing to kill me, they revealed their hand. And that is something we can take advantage of."

"What do you mean?" Mondo asked, still not grasping her words.

"You'll see for yourself when we talk to Monokuma," Kyoko said "it's simply to our benefit to act first before Chihiro is discovered. In this "negotiation" let's say, it would be in our best interest to act first to give us as many advantages as we can."

"Alright, so where are we going?" Chihiro asked "the gym?"

"Precisely," Kyoko affirmed "he should be there."

Chihiro was a little nervous...no, frankly he was more than a LITTLE nervous. But he had no choice...It was either get found and die, or surrender and MAYBE die...One of those options, while not by much, seemed safer than the other.

"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, WEEEEEELLL!" No sooner did the trio of students enter the gym than a very high pitched and frustrated voice echoed throughout the room. After a split second, the self-proclaimed headmaster of the Academy popped up right in front of Chihiro and stared at them with a look of complete and utter malice...

"I get Kirigiri! I even get Owada!" Monokuma growled "but why is the should-have-been-executed has-been Chihiro Fujisaki here!?"

Of course, it would be hard to say that no one expected this reaction. Was this really going to be ok?

"Did the two of you perhaps...SAVE him!?" Monokuma unsheathed his claws "and after ALL that trouble I went through to prepare his awesome execution!"

"And if we did?" Mondo leered "what then?"

"If the blackened is identified correctly in the class trial, then they alone will be punished!" Monokuma reminded them "I hate to say it, but those're the rules! So I'll just have to kill you again! And this time, I'll make SURE it works!"

"I understand that you're angry..." Kyoko instinctively took a step forward, as if getting ready to take a bullet for Chihiro "but I think you'll find that you can't do that..."

"Huh?" Chihiro frowned.

"Huh?" Mondo frowned?

"Huh?" Monokuma frowned.

"It's as you said, if the blackened is identified correctly in the class trial, then they alone will be punished," Kyoko said "but Chihiro isn't the real blackened, and neither am I. If you execute either of us, you lose. Are you really ok with that?"

"W-Wuzzat?" Monokuma asked "I...lose...? The hell's that meant to mean!?"

"You made that class trial all for the sake of smoking me out and eliminating me. I dare you to deny it," Kyoko glared "in other words, had things gone according to plan, I would be the one who would have been executed back there."

"W-Who me? I-I would never-!"

"But your expectations were blown off-track, because Kyoko and I already knew about your scheme," Chihiro added "thanks to Alter Ego, we knew you were planning this phony trial, and made our plan to turn it against you."

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