Boys Life of Despair: Part 24 [END]

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"Absolutely amazing!" Monokuma cheered as the voting finished "you guys are officially two for two! Yes, the one who killed the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, Toko Fukawa, was none other than The Ultimate Swimming Pro, Aoi Asahina! Good job you guys!"

Once again, nobody seemed completely satisfied with the result. Sure, they'd solved the case, and now everyone would be able to get away with their lives...But on the other hand, the revelation that someone who was usually so chipper, friendly and innocent as Hina had committed a murder made them feel a despair unlike any other. Sayaka was bad enough...but this?

"Hina..." Makoto grimaced in shame and looked down at his feet "How...How even could you? Of all people, why..." Hina herself cast an ashamed look of her own to the floor...

"Makoto...Sakura...I'm so sorry..." she apologized "I never meant to cause you so much sorrow..."

"Screw them!" Junko suddenly violently grabbed Hina's collarbone and shook her in frustration "what about me!? You tried to pin a murder on me you bitch!"

"Junko, calm down!" Chihiro rushed over and pried Junko away from Hina. For his sake, Junko complied. Chihiro then turned to Hina and asked a question of his own. "I don't get it Hina. You were one of the most adamant about not letting our secrets get to us, so why did you kill her?"

"I didn't mean to!" Hina exclaimed "n-not at first anyway..."

"What do you mean "not at first?"" Sakura inquired. Hina breathed a heavy sigh as she set free the truth. 

"Does everyone remember what happened in the gym hall when we first got our motives? How Toko reacted?" Hina asked.

"Yes, she was really upset," Kyoko recalled "so much so that she gripped her paper tightly and it ripped..."

"Yeah...and as everyone was leaving the gym, I picked up a bit that fell on the floor...But I looked at it accidently and I saw that only one word was on it..."

"What word?" Taka asked. Hina gulped before she spoke again, but the word that left her mouth was unexpected.

"Genocide..." she admitted "it said "Genocide""

"Genocide?" Mondo repeated "like...Genocide Jill?"

"I was originally going to throw it away...Toko already read it after all...But in the end, I found her and asked if she wanted it back...But when she saw what was on it, she knew that I'd seen it...I don't think she wanted to leave me without an explanation so when I returned it to her, she told me to meet her at the pool area so she could explain it to me...I was nervous at first, but I decided I didn't want to leave her hanging, so I went without telling anyone..."

"You should have told me..." Sakura frowned "I-I could have-"

"I know..." Hina sighed "but I didn't want anyone else to know Toko's secret...I wanted to help her, she seemed like she needed it...Especially since this was the first time she'd spoken to any of us this week..."

"And then what?" Chihiro asked. Hina, once again, let out a heavy sigh...As she remembered what had transpired...

"A-Are you serious!?" the swimming pro shrieked!

"J-Jeez! Quiet!" Toko shrieked back "if you're going to scream, scream into a pillow!"

"S-Sorry...but" Hina forced herself to calm down " it true? A-Are you really the serial killer? The one Chihiro talked about a few days ago?"

"Y-Yes..." Toko admitted "yes AND no...You see, I have this thing called dissociative identity disorder...It's a mental health condition that basically means there are two people with different personalities living in my one body...The other one is the serial killer, not me..."

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