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location: basketball court

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location: basketball court

Jung Hye Jin

As I walked into the court, all the boys were staring at me. I saw a lot of boys that also came last year for tryouts. Most of them were 1st years. The rest were either 2nd or 3rd years.

As soon as the door opened, the coach looked at me and cursed.

"You again?! I've already told you last year that you can't join!" he yelled. Everyone looked at my unbothered face. They were whispering to each other.

"Isn't that the girl from last year?" "She's really still trying?" "Why is a girl here? Isn't it for boys only?" "She really just wants to annoy the hell out of the coach." I gave them a death stare and no more whispers could be heard. Do they really think I'm deaf?

I started walking towards the coach without a care in the world.

Choi Beom Gyu

Everyone was watching the girl's every step. She didn't seem to care about the fact that only boys were allowed. She also came here last year, when I was here for tryouts too. She didn't seem to be bothered.

The coach yelled, "Haven't I made myself clear last year? You can't be here!" The girl just looked up to him and frowned. "Are you trying to say that you look down on us girls?" she spat back, narrowing her eyes. The coach was speechless.

"Look, no girls are allowed and that's finals. Even if I could accept you, you would be too short!" What he said was true. She was only about 5'5. We all look like giants compared to her.

"You haven't seen me in action yet." she smirked, not willing to move. She seemed serious. The coach sighed.

"Fine, I'll let you in. Only on one condition.." he sighed. Everyone was confused. Was he really letting a girl in? He then pointed to me and said, "You have to beat our best player, Beomgyu."

The girl simply looked at me and smiled. "Him? Sure, why not."

Everyone was surprised. They knew that no one stood a chance against me. I slowly stood up and walked towards her, grabbing a basketball from the nearby basket.

I walked towards here and she seemed confident.

"What's your name?" I asked, bouncing the ball. She simply snatched the ball and said, "Jung Hyejin." Everyone was shocked. It was the first time someone had actually stolen the ball from me. Even the coach was surprised. "Stealing the ball out of nowhere, eh? Not bad. You're the first one, but it doesn't mean that you'll win." She laughed. "Don't think so lowly of me." I let her take the ball first and like that, the match started.

chapter 2-end
Vote txt for mama yall🤧

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