••25•• Emails & Doorsteps

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it was a Sunday morning, I eat up and removed the white clean sheets off my body while I walk over to the small couch to get my laptop.

I typed my password and I logged into my email account. I look through my emails; one from Facebook and one from Stanford. crossing my fingers, I click to open the Stanford email.

Dear Gisselle,

Thank you for submitting you application for Stanford. It was very specific and well organized. We congratulate you to Stanford. We will soon see you! Your semester begins in: September 2015.

It was just a month away, it's August. I squealed, my neighbour will probably complain. I heard a door bell ring. I walked over to the door and opened it.

Cole, Noah, Cassie, and Isabelle stood there. I totally forgot that they were coming.

"come in! I got into Stanford, just like you guys!!" they all smiled and congratulated me.

"ding!" my phone rings and there goes a text from my mom, saying congratulations after I told her the news.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and hell yeah I'll be sure to celebrate it.

The doorbell ring again at 9:00 PM. No one that I knew would come at this time. Not even my mom.

I got out a umbrella and held it in my palms. I unlocked the door. The person was dressed in a light blue V-neck shirt and slightly dark blue washed jeans and black converse. I smelt a slight cinnamon cologne. I look up to his face of the dressed body. Then my eyes widen.

The person waved it's hand. and put both of its hands in his jeans pockets.

"Well hello there, Gis."


a/n : CLIFFHANGER! who do you think it is? this book is coming to an end soon! thanks for reading!

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butterflies and surprises,


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