••11•• Quarter bit dried

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Saturday, 2 weeks later after the crash.

Max had visit me everyday, comforting


"How's the flower?" He sat beside me on my bed.

"Tiny bit dried. Quarter I would say" I felt the flower, it was weird.


Max looked down sideways. Something's bothering him.

"What's wrong babe?" I'm tiny bit surprised myself for calling him that.

"It's n-nothing." He's stuttering, I thought that's my thing. Guess not.

"There's something wrong, tell me."

Then he looked to me. His eyes were about to explode with tears. I've never seen a guy cried in front of me before.

"I-I don't know what's wrong with me. I think our relationship was going to fast. I hate this flower rule."

Too fast. I agree.

"I know, we can work it slowly" I kissed him on the cheek. I carefully slid off the bed to get a drink and watering the stupid flower, but Max's eyes were on me.

"Where are you going?" He asked, he raised a brow.

"I'm going downstairs to get a drink and I'm watering the flower"

"No! Don't water the flower. We can't, you can't. It's weird but it might not dry at all anymore once you put it in water"

"Ridiculous, fine I won't." So I opened my door and carefully stepped down the stairs. I almost slipped, about to lose my balance and get hurt again. Then I saw Max beside me and his hand on my waist, helping me.

We both walked downstairs to the kitchen. Mom was gone to work. She left me food but I wasn't hungry for the day, I was just dead thirsty.

I got myself a glass of water and sat down. Max, standing in front of me and the table.

"You can sit, you know." I suggested

"I'm fine" he smiled.
It was Sunday. I had to go back to school in two weeks. I decided to have a group chat online with my friends and Max.

"Hey guys. Let's have a hangout today?" I asked

"Yeah! That will be awesome" Dilla shouted, making all of us deaf over here.

"Sure, where though?" Asked Pete.

"Dunno." I say

"Bar?" Jack had said. His eyebrows were up. Face was straight.

"Umm," I said

"I can't drive though..." I continued saying.

"I'll drive you since we live close." Max said. of course he would drive me, adorable.

" okay then, bar at 9 ?"

"Yas!" Everyone yelled.
Max picked me up at 8:30PM and drove ourselves to the bar place, Crazy Drinks.

As we entered inside, I saw my friends. The place was empty, we were only here. Dilla, Pete and Jack came running towards me to hug me.

"Oh my gosh! Long time no see girl. I missed you"

"Aha, I missed you guys too" they weren't mad at me anymore, they cared about me. Which are true and real best friends.

"I'm gonna get us five the drinks." Max started out

"Okay." He went to the bar and asked the bar tender to make drinks.

"Where's Penelope?" I looked at Pete.

"She's in china, class trip." Weird.

"Nelson?" I asked and turned to Dilla.

"Detention" she said. Detention at nine? Strange...

Then Max brought our drinks.

We drank the night away. All of is were drunk and high. But I wasn't, I was a bit drunk, not much. Hopefully Max can still drive me.

A few weeks ago when we kissed, we created a sign. The sign was holding a three sign with out fingers. The sign was to tell our friends out relationship. I did the sign and he nodded.

"Hey, I have something to tell you guys." I interrupted them while they were talking about school for some reason.

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