••4•• What a surprise

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While I got ready for school, I did my normal morning school routine. Then drove to my school which is only fifteen minutes away. I rushed to class to put my stuff down and I was glad I wasn't late. Dilla, Jack and Pete came sitting beside me, we were in a mini square by the desks. I noticed there was another desk beside me... new student? Can't be, impossible.. Mrs. /Hail\ Jepson (my science teacher) walked in front of the classroom with the principal; Mr. /Frank\ Dawns.

"Good morning class. Mr. Dawns will be needing you all to pay attention, this is important" Mrs. Jepson got everyone's attention. ' no, doesn't seem like it's important at all.' I thought. We really never had 'important' notifications because the school was a bit packed up, but there was only four spots available. Who knew that Heightson Rumble high school was popular nowadays..?

"So I think you heard rumours about a new student coming, and those rumours are hereby correct" I paused, a new student? Sitting next to me? Awesome.

A guy who looks like six feet with dark brown hair with his bangs close to his eyelids, he had blue eyes, looking grey right now. Wore a yellow shirt with blue jeans and black converses- just the same ones like I'm wearing... I noticed that was the guy I had asked, Max Orin.

"Here is the new student that is in your class, Max Orin." pronounced Mr.Dawns. He is sitting beside me.. HE IS SITTING BESIDE ME?! Dear gosh, why?

"Pick any seat, Max" Mrs. Jepson said.

Max had two choice, sitting beside a football player, Connor or beside me. Then his and my eyes made contact, he put up a wide smile and nodded, it was bright. He is going to sit beside me.

The girls in my class were jealous of me , they had wished they took my spot . They even tried to flirt with him a bit, I wanted to stay out of the business but I couldn't, I told them to go away. I need peace and quiet to do my notes for making formulas.

"Why? How?" Were my two words to ask Max.

"Why: I moved here to the city to have a better education. How: Asked." He had a simple answer, really simple. I didn't know he wanted a better education, most guys wouldn't want a better education, what equals to... *drum roll* horrible jobs.

I sighed, the bell rung, I pulled my chair back into the desk and went to my locker to get stuff for my other classes. Next I have English studies and then History, then Math, then literature and then physical education, and finally cooking.

Max had only two of my classes: science and physical education. He answered questions fast like a flash but making questions... Not really.

I went down to the student parking lot and went to my car, it was raining and I didn't have an umbrella. I'm stupid. So I ran to the forth row and trying to find my car. I hear foot steps and they are running towards me , someone covered me I'm a umbrella; it was Max.

"Why are you doing here?" We both ask at the same time.

"I drive" I said

"I drive also" Didn't know that either

I walked up to my car and opened it. Put my back pack to the back.

"Need a ride?" I offered Max, but she shook his head.

"Nah, I have my car here."

"Well, see you later" I waved and he waved back.
I fed Hisky again and did my night routine first and made dinner before my parents got home. I had prepared fish and chips for everyone. My recipe tasted delicious as my food would be too.
I went to my room, I glanced and approached near to the window, I removed my curtain sheet to see what's going on out there ; I saw a truck across the street. I heard that someone is moving near the community. How once is to have new and maybe wonderful neighbours. I saw six people walking in and out of the house- my eyes turned wide, I saw Max, his little sister that looked like seven, and his mom, and dad, then two movers.

Max Orin living across from me. Great. Just great. Not that I hate the guy, but still. Why would he move into this community? I texted Dilla.

∂ιℓℓ, мαχ ιѕ му иєιgнвσυя иσω.. υgн ωну.


That. Was mom talking about earlier. "New neighbours I heard!"

I seem focused, I hope not that my mom will invite them over for a welcome to the community dinner.

I don't want to worry about it, so I went to sleep.

3:38 pm.

"Wake up sweet peas, new neighbours are coming over for dinner!" I heard a voice, my moms.

What??? Oh for the lack of sake I am going to be twisted! This is going to be bad for me. Is this a dream??


7:02 pm

"Get ready!" I heard mom yell


Nope, not a dream.

I let out a dramatic sigh and picked out a random dress. Then I noticed what dress I took out.

The dress that dad gave me and liked.

It was a short midnight dark blue dress, it had a slight flow design at the bottom and had silk thick straps and line ruffles at the top.

Eyes started to water, I turned my head away and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. I opened them and turn to face to dress. I silently put it on, along with black strapped ankle heels that were one inch high from my height.

I head to the bathroom, I put two layers of honey flavoured lip gloss.

I looked like I was going to prom.

I opened my bathroom door and head downstairs. I heard talking.

They're here.

I heard them talking until mom looked at me on the top of the stairs, she gasped.

"You look beautiful sweet pea, meet our neighbours!"

I looked around and suddenly I saw Max, I feel heat rushing through my cheeks.

What the heck?

I walked down the stairs and head in front of them.

"Hi, I'm Gisselle." I greeted them, letting my hand out to shake the neighbours hand.

"Oh hello sweetie, you look gorgeous! I'm Morgan Orin." She shook my hand. I then let my hand down. I nodded with a nice smile.

"Hi, I'm Harris Orin." I smiled, I know their last names. I heard it twice. He let his hand out, I shook it.

"Willow, I'm Lia!" I laughed lightly. She said willow.

Then I turn to Max. He said nothing but have me a smile.

"Max! Don't be rude, introduce yourself." I heard his mom saying, slapping his arm.

He let out a "ugh do I have to? We already met." face. Then he spoke.

"Hey, I'm Max. I believe your in my classes and we met at a park"


"You two met before?" I heard my mom and Mr. Orin said at the same time.

"Mhm." I said

They exchanged glances. A minute later, we walked to the dining room. Lia was so cute, she acted like a princess with perfect, fancy manners.

Parents of Max and Lia with my mom talked so much. It's like they became best friends immediately. On the other side, Max and I didn't talk. We were silent like the dead. Lia, she just ran around, throwing coloured paper flower petals on the living room floor.

Not too long ago, they left. I was so glad, I ran to my room and took a hot long bath. I then went to bed.

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