"Good afternoon to you, too, Cal."

"She slept with someone else. I don't get it! Arizona confesses her love for me but then sleeps with someone else."

"We slept together." I pointed out.

"This isn't about me and doesn't include you." I put my hands up in a 'backing off' stance.

"How'd you find out?"

"She told me. All of these emotional things came spilling out, pulling me right back in until she said those words. I don't know what to do now."

"Take a breath and relax. Sofie, remember?"

"Right. No, you're right. If she truly loved me- but I miss her."

"You sound like a heartbroken teenager."

"Whatever. What should I do?"

"Once you clear your head, talk to her. The love you have for each other will just creep in and do the rest of the work. You have to be clear-minded, Calliope. Don't let your love for her cloud your judgement."

She deeply sighed, nodding.

"Did she tell you who it was?"

"No, she wouldn't say. It has to be someone in the hospital."

"How'd you get that conclusion, Detective Torres?" She threw me a glare.

"She won't give me a name so they obviously have to be here. If it was some stranger, Arizona would've given me her first name."

"Okay. Say it is someone in the hospital; what are you gonna do if you find out?"

"Totally gonna kick her ass."


"Okay, okay, I won't kick her ass. I will mug her very hard from across the room."

"Is that supposed to intimidate her?"

"Shut up."

The door pushed open as Dr. Davis walked in. She paused, looking between Callie and I.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here."

"Honey, you're fine, come on in. Sage, have you met-"

"We've met." I dryly spoke, focusing on the message in front of me.

Catherine wanted Jackson and I at another fundraiser. She promised things wouldn't go down like last time. Apparently, the investors were impressed by my instant reaction to help him.

They wanted an insight on our life; how we manage our love life and work—if only they knew..

"Okay? I'm getting a bad vibe." Callie muttered.

"I may have spilled Kool-Aid all over her."

"When, and how did I not hear about this?"

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery Where stories live. Discover now