Chapter 1

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Abby's P.O.V
I was fast asleep until my stupid little brother Hayes came in jumping on me to wake up. I pushed him off of me and asked what the hell he was doing.
"What the hell Hayes!?" I said
"Sorry but you have a that meet and greet." He said
"Oh shit. Get out please I need to get ready!" I said and he walked out. I went to my door and locked it and went to my bathroom and looked it. I didn't talk a shower because I took one last night. I turned on my hair straighter and and sat on my toilet on Twitter reading all the hate. I even have a few hate pages. I grabbed my razor blade out of the shower and slice to time, but remembering to not cut to deep.
Nobody knows I cut if anyone knew I would get into trouble so that's why no one know not even my best friend Bethany. I did my make up and grabbed to two Band-Aids to cover up the cuts and then I went to my closet and picked out a pair out black hair waisted shorts a white crop top that says 'What' and a red flannel and I threw that on. I out on my black vans and went to go straighten my hair.

I went down stairs and got a banana and said bye to everyone and got into my car and I drove to Starbucks and got a vanilla frap and went to radio shack because that's where the meet and greet concert thing was. Once I got there I saw my best friend that nobody can separate us Sammy, Skate, and the Jacks. Me and the Omaha crew where friends since 1st grade. We also go on tour together.
"Sup Sammy boy."
"Nothing much are you excited?" He said hugging me.
"Yes!! I can't wait to meet all the fans and to perform!!!" I said
"Yeah same it's going to be so fun." Sammy said.
Sammys P.O.V
Today was the day. The day Matthew was going to ask Abby out! I get the best job because I have to bring her to Starbucks after the show and he I going to ask then! I'm so happy for them because they liked each other for a while now.
So that's it for now I'll update in a little bit
Bye love you guys!

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