The wheel continued to rotate of its own accord whenever there was a junction, giving Theo one less thing to worry about.

He took two pieces of silk and lightly grazed at where the dead spider was before pulling away a little, looking up at her with his eyebrows furrowed in concern as he
asked for permission. "Can I?"

The guilt that formed in his chest from recollecting how he had touched her inappropriately a while ago crescendoed. His hands couldn't help but went panicky and reacted on its own when he saw the potentially lethal spider, and for that, an apology was necessary. "I'm sorry if I had frightened you. I didn't mean it."

Athena's eyes were set entirely downwards, so low that her eyelashes were having contact with her skin every time she blinked. She was hardly even hearing Theo's apology as she was busy being too satisfied at his big figure squeezing in the centre of the vehicle.

It made her feel powerful— especially when the one who was at her feet was an influential man himself.

Yet, the voiceless, helpless Athena who was confined deep in the body that wasn't even hers anymore, wanted nothing but to pull Theo off of his position.

All of her negative reckons of Theo, being a sex predator seemed entirely miscalculated. He looked more innocent than a saint— than herself actually, though it wasn't really her who was acting like this, but she wasn't completely clueless of this personality that was taking over as well.

It was her past form— the repugnant side of her— the brutal, mischievous, fearless Athena Rose. 

She was definite she had changed for the better, and she had proven herself right over and over throughout the years, so why was it reappearing again?

She wanted to ask Theo if he had any idea of what was happening but her lips were tightly sealed and wasn't hers to control.

Theo's knees were bent very weirdly just to fit there, his white pants might get dirty  from being down there for too long, but he didn't bother as he meticulously wipe the unpleasant sight off of her.

He wasn't unfamiliar at all with removing dirt off of an object, thanks to his boundless benignity. He would help ease his servants, butlers' work by taking their job upon his shoulders whenever he could. "There it's done. As for the small stain, Joline and Veronica, my maids, can help with that. But, if you'd like, I can buy you new clothes when we arrive at our destination. They have some quite exquisite and superlative ones that I'm certain would suit your taste. "

Athena wasn't even acknowledging Theo's presence, let alone answer him as she stared out the tremendously tinted window, giving a flip to her hair.

A legion of water droplets flew out of her hair, clouting Theo's unblemished face in which he wanted to wipe them off with his sleeves but didn't. Surely, it was accidental and he didn't want her knowing he was bothered by it. He wanted her with him feeling as comfortable as possible, and that was already ruined by his improper behaviour.

All his perfect plans had went down the drain, all because of one spider— curse that spider!

Athena tightened her crossed arms, wanting Theo to leave her be but the solicitous man only took it as a sign of her suffering from the coldness. "This is way too high." He reduced the AC to a zero through a glass screen, tapping on it rapidly, afraid she would need to bear with the cold much longer if he'd wasted another second. "Do you feel better now?"

Athena again refused to answer. She had purposefully tossed her hair so that it fall and covered her face from him.

Athena— the amiable one—was still figuring out what magic or spell she was under, and while she was solving the puzzle, she much preferred this silence over her barbaric past character to snob about everything she saw.

Theo was the one who could do that. He had wealth, bewitching looks, good traits and everything else she didn't, so who was she to do that?

Silence is key, and she never appreciated that phrase so much until that moment.

Theo— the walking definition of tranquil, pacific, imperturble, unflappable— was facing awkwardness for the first time, since he believed he was usually the one who made others feel that way.

Being an extreme introvert surely didn't help at a situation like this when he wanted, needed a conversation to spark. Credits had to be bestowed to him for trying, despite it not being a good one. "Love, are you feeling alright? You can tell me if there's something bothering you. You worry me."

Of course, he wouldn't say that she had been acting...

Weirdly— was never a term he would use to describe a lover, so— different, was the more suitable one. Regardless, he would eagerly help her if she'd let him.

These few words hoisted Athena's lengths of attempts to break free.

Her lips were quivering, her body slowly turning to face Theo, her hands and legs didn't move an inch though, still fiercely crossed. Her very slanted, upset eyebrows told Theo she wasn't satisfied with him being here with her at all but he wasn't fazed, he saw through that forbidding look and knew she had something to say, no matter how unlikely it may sound.

"Theo, help me. Something is wrong." Her voice died in the end; it was breathless, desperate and it also was the only sentence the horrid Athena allowed her to slip before taking over again. "You've done your job cleaning. You can get the hell away from me now. You're way too close for my liking."

Her immature reprimands didn't reach Theo's ears as his eyes broadened. As fast as a speeding bullet, he clambered up to wind down all twenty windows of the limo— seeming to realize very quickly what was wrong with his girl.

Tatiana— his fiancé's creation from a load of special essential oils that could bring out unusual, animalistic, or even former habits to rise.

The aroma was only meant for Theo and the people who was immune to the scent, for it gives many benefits to them, and if someone who wasn't used to it inhaled them— like Athena, it would have a reverse effect.


To those of you who are confused. Athena DO NOT have a split personality.

This 2 chapters are mainly to give an insight of how Athena's character is like back in her days.

Which character of her do you like best?

Thank you for reading ❤️

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