If There's Nothing Left..

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You know that feeling of uncertainty?
It's scary.


The usual penultimate feeling before happiness.

Lisa can't move. She's afraid she's just hallucinating. It's happened before and she doesn't want to experience it again. Not right now. Not when she can feel the warmth that is coming from the body of the woman beside her.

"Lisa?" Irene asked.

"Hyun? I am not imagining you, right?" Lisa asked shock still showing on her features. Her tears are about to fall. She waited for this moment for a long time. She wanted to see Irene, to hold Irene, to kiss Irene and even think about doing naughty things with Irene.

Irene chuckled looking at the younger girl. To her the way that Lisa looks right now is almost comical. She raised her hand and caressed her cheek. Upon feeling the warmth of Irene's hand Lisa melted and pressed her face more to feel it.

"I'm here Lisa. I wont runaway anymore." Lisa's tears escaped her eyes upon hearing the words from Irene. She doesn't even know what's the reason. Happiness? Relief? She really doesn't know. All she knows is that she is more than glad that she can see Irene right at that moment.

With trembling hands Lisa reached out for the hand that is touching her face. She needs to feel her more. It's been so long that when it's right in front of her she can't fathom if its real or not.

Irene scooted closer to the younger girl. She is carressing both cheeks now and then she kissed her forehead.

"I am here now." Irene said as she engulfs Lisa in a hug.

"I'm leaving." Irene said as soon as she sat on the couch adjacent to Daesung. He wasn't surprise. He already saw it coming.

"I understand. Would you like me to make the arrangements for you? Do you already have a country in mind?" Daesung asked. Irene smiled with the questions. There's a reason why Daesung is the head of the Manoban businesses alongside their father.

"Yes and don't worry I already made the arrangements." Irene said.



"And nothing can stop you I guess. I think this will be a good thing too. My brothers will probably punch me once they know that I know plus they will see our Princess hurt again but this has to happen." Daesung said. He poured tea on each of their teacups and sips it right away not minding how hot it is.

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