Meet Me In Amsterdam

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It was like hell was released again and Lisa is going to the expressway to it.

Irene is nowhere to be found.

Lisa even went to her parents' house but they said they don't know also. Lisa is lost yet again. For the next few days she wanted to be alone spending her time on the tree house that started to be her and Irene's place.

She just lies there, not moving nor eating unless forced into. She just hugs the pillow that Irene usually uses. The lavender scent, it comforts her. It makes her feel closer to her.

Her days were just spent like that. Her brothers even went to the tree house to make sure she eats. She also got a scolding from her older sister Taylor since she is not eating properly but what can she do? She tried but can't find Irene.

"Princess!" Jimin shouts outside. Lisa groans. She doesnt want to be disturbed. Not especially on a night where the moon is at its full. Since Irene came Lisa started to appreciate the full moon. She can't find the beauty of it before but Irene's words are stuck on her head.

Yes the full moon might not have it's own shape but it's hopeful and enthusiastic.

"I am trying Hyun. I am trying."

"Princess!" She heard another yell. She shouted back its open then she heard the door opening.

Lisa got startled when she felt someone hug her but smelling that familiar scent she relaxed a bit.

"Lili.." Jennie said.

Lisa turned and looked at her and gave her a faint smile. Lisa was lying down so Jennie had to hug her from behind.

Lisa let go of the pillow that she is hugging and hugged Jennie back burrowing her head on her chest. She didn't know she needed this.

"Have you eaten?" Jennie asked after a few minutes of snuggling with the younger girl. It was already dinner time and it seems like Lisa has no plans to eat.

She called the younger girl multiple times but it was all ignored. All calls went to voicemail that Lisa doesn't check. It's the reason why she went there. She's concerned about Lisa. Even if it hurts her to know that Lisa is in pain because of another woman all she can do is accept the fact that it's not her anymore.

She is hopeful but she came into a realization that she can't be selfish anymore. Lisa deserves to be happy, truly happy, and its the type of happiness that she passed on.

She's late, she knows, and she regrets every bit of it.

Jennie stood up and made Lisa stand up with her. She's determined to make Lisa eat. The younger girl needs energy if she will look for Irene.

Jennie cooked kimchi fried rice and made some side dishes out of pork and vegetables. She even had to spoon feed Lisa initially since the latter really doesn't want to eat.

"Lisa you should eat and make sure you're always strong. You need energy if you want to find Irene." Jennie said putting some more food on her plate. Jennie motioned for Lisa to take her spoon and fork and this time Lisa did as she pouts.

Jennie finds it adorable so she pinches her cheeks. They continued eating until all the food that Jennie prepared is gone.

"I'm sorry." Jennie heard Lisa say.

"I-..I-.." Lisa was struggling with words to say and when Jennie saw that tears are threatening to fall she immediately went to her side and hugged her. The older girl then heard Lisa cry like a kid who got her candy stolen.

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