"Atchaco, is something wrong. Don't want to sound mean or anything but aren't you meant to be helping type up my essay like we normally do." Amylase said, walking over to me and kneeling down looking at her laptop.

"I don't know what just happened or why it happened." I say looking at her. "For now can you please type your essay while I find out what just happened and why."

"What just happened? You zoned out for a moment."

"I'm not entirely sure what just happened but I know this. When I went to grab your laptop I suddenly was bombarded with information which I think was from it. I just have no idea why it happened."

"Could it be a new power?" I look at my hand then her laptop and then back at her. I shrug my shoulders. "I mean you are finding lots of them lately."

"Amylase, it could have been absolutely anything. But whatever it is, I need to find a way to control it so I don't accidentally go snooping into people's personal information. Also you shouldn't keep the sort of stuff you keep on your laptop." She looks at me with no understanding of what I just said. "You know the stuff on your internet diary."

"Oh." Then she snaps her head back at me after she realises what I said. "Wait, you read part of my diary?"

"I wouldn't say a part of it." I hesitate. "I would say all of it." She looks at me in disgust. "It was entirely by accident. I really didn't know I could, okay. Also I will keep everything you said a secret."

"Good." She glares at me as I leave her room and hurry back to mine. As soon as I got in I closed the door and sat down on the ground. I stare at my hands before standing up and going to my laptop. I slowly and cautiously place my hand on top of it to see if it will happen again. It doesn't so maybe it was a glitch which could be a really bad thing or maybe Amylase was right about it being a power and I just had to find a way to control it.

I bring out my phone and scroll through my WhatsApp contacts trying to find my mother. I debate if I should phone or if I should text her. I decided on texting because otherwise everyone will be able to hear her. No joke she always has her volume up so high and on speaker so...

Me: Mamma, something really odd happened today.

Mama: What was it? Is something wrong? We can come and pick you up if something is.

Me: Well I don't really know if it is wrong or not. That's why I am texting you.

Mama: Okay. So what happened?

Me: I was helping a friend with her prep. I was about to type what she said but as soon as I touched her laptop I was suddenly bombarded with lots of information. I don't know if it is a glitch or a new power.

Mama: I think it is a power but you should run a scan just to make sure of that. If it is a glitch then we will need to find a way to fix it, okay.

Me: Doing that now. Don't tell the family until I find out. Correction if it is a power then I will say it on the family group chat. Okay.

Mama: Yeah, okay. Speak to you later.

I place my phone down on my table as I wait for the results of the scan to come through. As I do this I sit down on my bed and hook up. I start to read some fan-fiction as I wait. The next time I look up at the laptop I see the results. My eyes widened at the results and I smiled. I bend down and look at the laptop double checking to make sure it isn't a mistake and luckily it is not. I am now technopathic. I go and grab my phone off my table and open up the family group chat.

Me: Hey guys I have some amazing news to share with you.

Jimch: Oh please tell us. Don't want to keep us waiting.

Me: I am now a Technopathic. How cool is that?

Jimch: I'm sorry, what?

Asheanna: Seriously.

Mama: That's amazing.

Lenzonia: Who had to suffer to find that out?

Me: I was helping Amylase with prep. Saw her diary. Opps. But I promised not to tell anyone and she says she might help me control this power, well if I don't learn overnight like I normally do.

Mama: That's not good. Hey it could have been worse. Like how you found out that you could physically hack something.

Me: Yeah that was funny but the teacher wasn't very happy though, nor was the IT department.

Jimch: Can someone please tell me what a technopath is. Computing was never my strong suit.

Lenzonia: A technopath is someone with the ability to communicate with technology.

Me: Yeah, what Lenzonia said, also I did not know you here that good with technology, then again it is what comes up with a quick google search.

Mama: Okay, thank you for the news, now get to sleep.

Asheanna: I am not tired.

Me: Same. :)

Mama: Asheanna! Get to sleep! Now! Maz we know that you barely sleep, nor have to sleep as much as we do, don't rub it in.

Me: Haha. I don't have to go to sleep until about 1 in the morning and you all know that.

I put my phone down and watched BBC iPlayer. I am currently watching Doctor Who. It is really funny. Tomorrow I am going to tell my friends.

The next day

The next day when I went to breakfast I couldn't find any of my friends. Maybe I was just too early for them. They normally arrive at about 7:40. I sat down but 7:40 came and went with no signs of my friends. I was just about to give up when they came bursting through the door and sat down at my table.

"What took you guys so long to get here. You only have 5 minutes until 8 o'clock." They all look at me as if they are angry about something. "What have I done wrong?"

"You haven't done anything wrong. We're just tired. Also we are busy helping the matron with something."

"With what? I am normally the one that helps her."

"With something that you do not need to know about right now. Also, what did you want to speak to us about."

"Well Amylase and Asheanna already know. They both found out last night. I am now technopathic."

"That's amazing. How did you find out."

"She was helping me with my prep when she saw everything that was on it. It was annoying and cool at the same time. Also I recommend getting really hard to hack firewalls. I mean ones that not even the FBI can hack for everything you don't want other people to know." Amylase said.

"I hacked Area 51 last night in 10 minutes flat to see how far my capability can go. I don't think that there is anything I CAN'T hack. So I would request printing or writing anything you don't want me to know, though I will keep everything a secret but anyway I am getting the hang of it. Trust me. You won't get hacked by me."

"Good. Now comes one we don't want to be late to the house meeting, you know Sir hates it when that happens."

"Yeah, see you at the house meeting." Then I disappear. My friends just stare at where I was standing before having to walk back. House meeting was quite boring but then again it is normal. There isn't always something fun to talk about, but that's life for you. Though I do warn everyone about my technopathic ability.

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