Midnight murder

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I do not know how many years ago it happened, too much has happened to get back to those years of my life that have been lost in the sea of my concentration and other memories. All I remember is who was there and what they did. The two people were called Andrew and Albert Einstein Jr, two people who you guessed it were related to the famous scientist Albert Einstein, though only Andrew showed that he shared his knowledge while his father who was closer related than his son showed no knowledge whatsoever, like the knowledge just skipped a generation.

Albert is middle height and like I said before, not very smart. Though he makes up for that by being extraordinarily strong and physically powerful, not that he uses this in a particularly safe way, just using it for meaningless tasks and nothing else legal. He is also famous for being a criminal and disrespecting the Einstein name.

His hair is neat and tidy and dyed a light shade of brown to make him look younger and so people find it harder to get reasons for him to be related to the all great scientist Albert Einstein despite his name giving it away greatly, I mean it is Albert Einstein Jr after all. He had a tan line where for prolonged periods of time a pair of sunglasses sat as he thinks it makes him look cool. It could not make him look any less cool.

His son, Andrew, is not that much different from his father when it comes to physical power and tidiness. His hair is also neat and is its natural colour of blond with a hint of brown at the tips. He is quite tall but still I tower over him. But then again no one that I know is taller than me. Correction: no one that I know of personally or go or have been to school with are taller than me. That includes my teachers. He is also very sporty and loves to play basketball.  Now do not be fooled by him as he is not who he seems to be at all, then again is anyone?

Well let us get on with the story, shall we? Well as I was saying, my father was judging a court case against Albert. Albert had been declared mentally ill for a reason that was not disclosed to me, or anyone for that matter, said it was inappropriate and disgusting to be heard or talked about. Albert shouted the whole time he was led into the police van, screaming profanities and slurs at everyone, but keeping his sad eye fixed on his son.

So, he was locked up in a mental hospital separating him from his son as the doctors said that he could just make his son the same as him if Andrew was in his care, rather than that of his mother. Sadly, this annoyed him so much as the last thing he wanted was to disappoint him, he had claimed that he did it to make his son proud of him as he thought that he was a waste, Andrew said that he was always proud and tried to get them to not lock him up, sadly Serch said he needed to teach him a lesson, that he had already had too many second chances.

From that moment on Albert grew a disliking of Serch and his whole family. He wanted him to suffer the same way that he did. Now that was the tricky part, he knew that Serch was not insane and needed to be locked up but that did not mean he couldn't take away something from him. Something that he loved very much. Now this is where I come in, this is where my whole story starts, the moment he realised my strong bond with him. See, I was much a daddy's little girl as my twin was much a mama's little girl. 

You might be wondering how Albert knew who to take. Well, he knew that his son had gone to the same school as us. How could he not? He wanted Andrew to go because we were there. But anyway, he told his father about me and how Serch would be nothing without me. Which in many ways was true? You do not want to know how many times I have helped him with his work and technology problems. 

So, he hatched a plan to escape and kill me. He would do it late at night once everyone was asleep. He would drag himself up into the ventilation system and crawl until he got to the panel that led him outside. That was the easy part of the plan though. Next, he would have to get past the guards on night duty then walk out of the gates to his son in his car and drive off to my house. 

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