Chapter 2

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Paul made his way to room 208 and there was Lyla and little Emma Paul was stoked to see little Emma and he kissed Lyla Paul smiled at Lyla and Lyla smiled at Pual just then Vin and Tyrese showed up Paul was stoked to see them

"What's up Ty saids, Paul" "not too much you Tyrese, asks" Paul went to get Emma from Lyla Paul kissed Lyla Paul meet little Emma Vin smiled "Vin hello Emma" "Tyrese smiled too hello Emma" Paul smiled and so did Lyla "Vin Tyrese meet my wife Lyla ...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"What's up Ty saids, Paul" "not too much you Tyrese, asks" Paul went to get Emma from Lyla Paul kissed Lyla
Paul meet little Emma Vin smiled "Vin hello Emma" "Tyrese smiled too hello Emma" Paul smiled and so did Lyla
"Vin Tyrese meet my wife Lyla Lyla these are my too good friends Vin Diesel and Tyrese Gibson saids, Paul"
"The pleasure is my mine says," Tyrese "nice to meet you saids, Vin" "nice to meet both of you saids, Lyla" Paul took Emma and took her to the baby ward Vin went with him and Tyrese stayed With Lyla "you got a beautiful daughter Pual says, Vin" "thanks, man he saids," Vin and Paul continued walking to the ward meanwhile with Lyla and Tyrese Gibson
"so Lyla do you like Paul Tyrese asked" "he's everything I could ever imagine she saids" "I know for one thing saids, Tyrese what's that Lyla, asks" "Emma is gonna have a wonderful family he saids," "thanks, man saids, Lyla" "yep saids, Tyrese" Paul and Vin Diesel got back from the word "Paul thanks for coming guys" "Vin sure man" "Tyrese good luck" "Paul thanks man" Vin and Tyrese left the room "Tyrese man Emma is one lucky and beautiful girl" "Vin, she is lucky Tyrese" they left the hospital "Paul I'll be back to pick you and Emma up tomorrow" "Lyla okay be safe" saids, Lyla "Paul, I will" he left the hospital Pual called Vin to come and pick him up and they left the hospital

Emma WalkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin