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HEY!! YOU THERE!! lol, well what would you do if today was your last day!? Tell me your name, then what you'd do! I'm wearing the 'Last Day' wishes to school!

 Tomorrow is the end of the semester so i get out of school at 10:50! :D I'm happy! Except why go to school only for three hours? Wait i know, to explain the wonders of sexual shit to my best friend who gets embarressed!:D Then lots of guys help meeee, then i tell her "GET LAID BY ZANE!"  (Zane's our FRANDD! *PSTT and she likey the Zane man!* ) Then Zane looks at me like I've lost my mind. I already have stupid!

So basically I'm trying to get her and Zane together INDIRECTLY!! It's not working though..But tomorrow i have a plan!!

To Zane: GO OUT WIF MIA OR SUFFER MASSIVE ZANDY DAMAGE!! From the oh so sexci Zandy:)

Law suit in the making or what?

Anywayz!! I'm gonna do a 'America's got Talent' Video on youtube as an audition! You better check it out when i do ;)

Okey, you guys dont caare, you just want Kaden ;) Herreeeee


"Give me my pillow back" I whine reaching toward Joel who sat in the back seat.

"It's my jacket! Not a pillow!" He yelled, putting it on. I make a 'humph' noise, and lean back into the car seat. We were circling in the parking garage, trying to find a parking space. Lights, spaced every few yards, shine through the sun roof blaring in my dark adjusted eyes.

"So?" I state, dragging out my short sentence. Kaden pulls into a tight parking space, and the car dies as he takes out the key from ignition. We all file out of the car, and Justin looks at his phone trying to figure out if Kairi had landed. Apparently we were late and she's waiting 'oh so anxiously' for us.

"I'm cold" I whine while we walk across the street to the actual airport. Kaden wrapped his arms around my waist, "Stop complaining you wussy" he smirked, not letting go. I couldn't help but smile as Justin opens the airport door, and we all file in into the pool of people.

"Kairi, Kairi, Kairi!" Justin sang, prancing forward through the crowd. Kaden dropped his hands from my waist, resolving to grabbing my hand. Joel and Tyler were bickering behind us.

"Justin!" A girl shrieked, giving him a hug.

"Hey" Justin mumbled dragging out his word. He sounded less than displeased. The girl pulled away and her long dark brown hair pooled in front of her faced.

"Hi, I'm Kairi!" she said happily, looking to me now with a bright smile. She's wearing a bright red tank top which had ruffles over another black one, then black jeans.

"Hey, I'm Jay-J, this is Kaden" I say motion to my side where Kaden was clutching my left hand. "And those dumb asses are Tyler and Joel."

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asks with a raised eye brow. Kaden tenses at my side. I almost burst out laughing, Kaden's with Krystal. I wish I was Krystal.

"Oh, you guys would be cute together!" She informs us smiling. "How old are ya'?" I ask leaning on Kaden trying to get a little warm. It's only freaking October! It's not natural for it to be this cold!

"Sixteen, seventeen in January" She said proudly. I almost laughed, but held it in. Don't need to be living with an enemy, now do we?

"We'll just have to throw you a party if your still here" I smile, she laughed quietly. I noticed Justin had walked off to talk to a girl, but Joel and Tyler were still bickering behind Kaden and I.

"Let's go!" I exclaim happily, I'm too cold. Shouldn't have worn shorts. Kairi and Kaden laugh, Kaden drops my hand to go get Justin.

I push past Joel and Tyler while telling them its time to go. Dragging Kairi behind me to the door. Cold pushes me back, only making me want to walk faster, across the street into the dark parking garage.

"I'm afraid of the dark" Kairi whispers as we draw closer to the warm car. Well its probably cold by now but it'll be warm soon enough.

I stop and look at her with the most sincere eyes I can muster on the spot.

"Everyone has to get over their fears eventually. I'm afraid of the water. You apparently are afraid of the dark. Kaden's afraid of sharks. Justin's afraid of dinosaurs coming back to life. The only person who has no chance is Justin!" I say my mini speech, as Kaden, Justin, Tyler, and Joel all finally catch up to us.

"I'm afraid of the wheat thin guys coming to my house when I'm craving wheat thins" Tyler twerps. Everyone stares at him with a 'What the Fuck' face.

"I Love wheat thins" Joel mumbles. I can't help but laugh, leading to everyone but Kairi laughing. I think she's just a little freaked.

When we all are finally home, it's light out and I'm hungry again. It was sunny, and warm just perfect. I think nature is PMSing. I continue to wear Kaden's sweatshirt, while laying in the grass in the backyard. Kaden gave me my sunglasses so that I don't go completely blind staring at the sun.

"Can I take your picture?" Kairi asked me with a big bulky camera in her hands. One's they use in photography class.

"Why yes, yes you can" I say making a dramatic pose, not leaving the ground. She dropped on the grass next to me.

"You know the side pictures in the grass, well I'm doing that so lay on your side" she ordered. I did as told and stared at the camera not using any emotion.


And the moment is gone.

Trust Me [Book Two in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now