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it took FOREVER to write this chapter :P big shocker so i thought.


I hear the home phone ringing over the guys terrible singing. I leave the game room, grab the phone, and head upstairs so I can hear what whoever is saying.

"Hello?" I ask walking into my room and sitting on my bed.

"Hello, Student. Parent. And or Guardian. Calling to remind you to buy your tickets to this years father daughter dance. Tickets are te--" I throw the phone at the wall. I seem to be doing that a lot this year. Phone sellers must love me by now. They're gonna be making millions off me by the time I'm twenty one.

The noise from downstairs stops, "You okay Jay-J?" Someone yells---I couldn't tell who.

I take a long deep breath, "Yeah!"

I walk to my desk and turn on my laptop, I haven't used it much since reconnecting with the guys. I actually have a social life again, a suck-ey one but a social life. I open Youtube and press upload, which leads me to Record.

"Yello' my camera people. Haven't talked to you lovlies in a while!" I wave at the webcam. I stare in thought of what to say for a few moments.

"Err--Well the guys are downstairs playing sing-it. I came up to answer the phone, now we have no phone.." I start still not sure where I'm going with this dull video.

"Kaden's hanging with his whore, but he's coming back over here to clean my house!" I exclaim thrusting my hands in the air, looking slightly mental. Oh well, So is life.

"Ya' I'm bored with this. See you ducklings" I wave goodbye, then press publish.

I hear the guys start fighting downstairs. Five minutes, I cant have five minutes without a fight. I shut my computer, and run downstairs, ready to stop the most likely stupid fight.

"It's my turn--Give me the Mic!" Joel yells, tackling Tyler who was wrestling Justin. Their bodies contorted in positions I didn't know were humanly possible. Feet over head's, arms twisted back.

"Guys!" I yell over their argument. They blow me off. I'll just let them fight it out. I feel my stomach growl.

"Chinese sounds good" I mumble to myself, taking Joel's phone off the counter. Why it's there, I have no clue. I call the Chinese place down the street, and order the usual. Which is pretty much everything they serve but no chow mein. We all 'dislike' it. Only time we ever ordered it was when we filled a bathtub with it and pushed Tyler's dad into it. Maybe that's why he hates me in particular. I may or may not be the one who screamed 'Attack the Geezer' it was worth two hundred dollars and being grounded for a month.

When the food does arrive, the guys had finally stopped fighting. Both taking about an hour.

"Pass the prawns!" I exclaim. I'm the only one besides Kaden who eats them and he's not here so I get them all. Tyler passed them down the semi long stretch of the table, making them hit my plate.

Kaden could get here any time now, so I eat the prawns as quickly as I can shoving them into my mouth. It's called pig-out night for a reason.

"Soup. Now" Justin demanded.

I heard the glass doors slide open in the other room. Everyone falls silent. I get out of my seat and grab the baseball bat Xander had left on the counter. Joel walked slowly behind me as I walked to the extra room where the glass doors were.

The door twisted open.


))Mystery Guy's POV((

I slide open the double glass doors after I'd broken the lock. I walk in trying to be quite as possible. It didn't look like they had security. The Valentine's are too trustworthy.

I close the door behind me, the room is pretty empty. Except for a fort of blankets in the center of the room. I didn't know a little kid stayed here. I thought Jay-J was the youngest. She was when we were little. Kaden wasn't always her best friend, I was there before him. I was there until we were thirteen. Then she completely forgot me. I think she forgot me before then. She had Kaden and those other guys.

I gripped the door leaving the room and pushed it open.




And I fell to the ground in a heap.


my fingers hurt extremely right now so no blather!

Trust Me [Book Two in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now