Trust Me [Name Change! Previously Checkmate]

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So!? So long since last upload so it seems. Sad right?

I have the worst migrane.

But I'm sick all the time so big dif.

So besides this story[And He Lives] I am working on something very important to me. Called 'Changes' Don't know if i'll ever post it. It's my life basically, but turned into an awesome lubber story. I'm the actualy main character, just some of the things in it never happened.


Zandy looks like a normal Teenager. She goofs off with friends, gawks at boys, normal right? Nope, on the inside she feels like she's dying. Zandy has POTS.

So when she moves 'cross country to small town Puyallyp things go wrong. Her health get's worse. She trys to act like she's fine. Lies about why she was gone. She finds herself lost in her own world. Life Changes.

Blurb:: 'What if your life suddenly changed in the blink of the eye? Standing up was impossible or hazzardous to your health. POTS, Zandy's Story'

Google 'Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome' This is what I'm always talking about.

______Here's the Story :)____________

~!~Jay-J's POV~!~

I sit slumped against a brick wall watching lone cars drive by. Headlights show from what seems miles away. Car after car, I hope it's Xander but it never is.

I look to both sides of the side walk, before just letting out a scream. My body felt like it was on fire. Just one thing.

No crying Jay-J, no crying.

My phone died, so I cant even call someone anymore. Another car passes by, but does a u-turn and parks against the sidewalk, "Need a ride?" they called out the window.

"No" I say between near sobs, I'm not stupid enough to get into a car with a stranger.

"You sure, I am your best friend" they said, I still couldn't see their face.

"Really, then what's my middle name and why do I have it?" I ask with skepticism.

"Alexa, and you have it since Jannie's doll was named Alexa so she begged your parents to have you be named Alexa, but they have it as your middle name instead" I gasped, "Kaden?"

"In the flesh, get in" he said, I could tell he was smiling. Kaden, your bi-polar or something.

"Why should I?" ,I stay firmly on the ground not moving an inch.

"Because your obviously not gonna move your ass, so come on I'm driving you home"

I hesitate with my answer, "I can't"

*v*Kaden's POV*v*

"I can't" she whispered.

He's gotten to her. Brainwashed her. Now I'm really glad I'd driven back and tried to beat him up, tried. Sure, he's bigger and stronger than me but I tried. Earned myself a black eye in the process, but still.

"You can" I said softly.

Another car pulled up behind mine, parking. I could tell it was Xander's.

I got out of my car, and walked up right in front of her. Face buried in her knee's. I tap her knee, no response except a light snore. Xander and Kairi walk up behind me as another car pulls up and everyone else piles out.

I take Jay-J into my arms, bridal style, "I'll drive her home" I whisper not wanting to wake her. I have more room in my car than any of them. Xander agrees hesitantly.

"Get asprin on the way" I tell Xander, he nods taking orders like a lost puppy.

"Why'd you all come out here?" I ask putting Jay-J into the passenger seat. No one had an answer.

"We were worried" Kairi answered biting her lip.

"Well lets get her home, okay?" I say going around to the drivers side of my car and getting in. Everyone else piles into their car, then they drive away. I stare at sleeping Jay-J for a minute before kissing her forehead, and starting the car, pulling away from the sidewalk to start on the long drive back home.

!!~Jay-J's POV~!!

"Guy's be quite, I think she might have a concussion considering the huge bump on her head" someone said, the someone who was carrying me In their arms.

"She needs to go to the doctor" someone else says.

I don't even remember hitting my head, but I could feel my head hurting like a bitch to be honest.

I hear a door open, then slam, everything feels warmer so we must be inside somewhere. I bring myself to open my eyes, to face Kaden.

"She's awake!" he exclaims showing a small smile. Everything goes hazy again before I slip back into darkness.

Trust Me [Book Two in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now