I heard your cries...

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I heard your cries for help miles away
I found you as soon as I could and did my best to tend to your wounds
you were so hurt, so broken
it's okay because so was i so i knew what to do, how to heal them,
they say sticks and stones and yet here you were, and there i was, no sticks, no stones, just words that cut us to the bone
people that left us alone
but it was okay!! we had each other
and you were my lover
and the love that i felt wasn't one that i had known, it was a new love
a fools love
a love that consumed me and every waking thought, be it happy or not all i wanted was you
and to an extent i knew for you it was true, but you wanted her too, and her, and her,
your cries for help are the reason we are told the story the boy who cries wolf
not for your safety but for mine
because as you left each and every time, i swore it would be the last
and you proved me wrong
and now it's 5 years gone of me just playing along
now i don't believe people when they say i'm strong.


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