OMG Mal!

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Mal and Evie decided to go to a tourney game. Mal looked to see if Ben was there. But when she looked she saw Audrey kissing Ben. Mal screamed and threw her engagement rinMal ran to Evie's cottage and ran to the bathroom. She threw up. Evie was running after when she found the throw up in the sink she called the doctor and made an appointment. Evie was scared. What had just happened to her friend. She waited outside the door of the doctors office for a few hours. When Mal came out she looked horrified. She ran to Evie's cottage. "M what is wrong. I'm pregnant Mal said. Well you got to go tell Ben. No Mal said. He cheated on me with Audrey. Ok fine we can go to that island. The one we found the other day. Fine Mal said. Call Jay and Carlos. I'm texting them right now. They can't come. But I will. Ok Mal said.

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