PoTS and what it is

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Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition that affects circulation (blood flow). POTS is a form of orthostatic intolerance, the development of symptoms that come on when standing up from a reclining position, and that may be relieved by sitting or lying back down.

Neuropathic POTS: Peripheral denervation (loss of nerve supply) leads to poor blood vessel muscles, especially in the legs and core body.
Hyperadrenergic POTS: Overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system.
Low blood volume POTS: Reduced blood volume can lead to POTS. Low blood volume can cause similar symptoms that may overlap in neuropathic and hyperadrenergic POTS.

POTS symptoms can be uncomfortable and frightening experiences. Patients with POTS usually suffer from two or more of the many symptoms listed below. Not all patients with POTS will have all these symptoms.

High/low blood pressure.
High/low heart rate; racing heart rate.
Chest pain.
Dizziness/lightheadedness especially in standing up, prolonged standing in one position, or long walks.
Fainting or near-fainting.
Abdominal pain and bloating, nausea.
Temperature deregulation (hot or cold).
Nervous, jittery feeling.
Forgetfulness and trouble focusing (brain fog).
Blurred vision.
Headaches and body pain/aches (may feel flu-like); neck pain.
Insomnia and frequent awakenings from sleep, chest pain and racing heart rate during sleep, excessive sweating.
Shakiness/tremors especially with adrenaline surges.
Discoloration of feet and hands.
Exercise intolerance.
Excessive or lack of sweating.
Diarrhea and/or constipation

It does say that PoTS is more common in women but it is also in guys to

Don't forget to show awareness to all the diseases out there that's why this has a disease in it showing awareness

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