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He was not gone he just passed out from all the pain the doctors say but why did Bose just say "I love you Chapa" with out any thing else it's like he knew something I did not but what was it. why would he say this? why would he tell me something that I would never tell him?

As I was sitting there looking at Bose hopping her would wake up I started to think of things he told me
Bose took me to mountain swellview one again I will never forget the first time I came here that's when I learned Bose is a mystery and Bose learned. I'm a mystery too but this time I don't think Bose wanted to just look at the city it seems important that he came up here with me

"Bose why are we up here"
"To get away"
"Bose what's wrong"
"That's not true"
"Yes it is"
"Not it is not"
"Fine I don't like being the vice mayors kid"
"Wow why not you get everything thing you want"
"That's the thing I get everything I want"

I new Bose was not telling the truth there but I still wonder why he showed up in my room at 12 am got me to go with him for know reason


"Chapa was that your name?" Said Boses mom
"I hate to tell you now but your the only one here so I kinda have to" says Boses mom
"Tell me what and should you wait for Mika and miles you get here to"
"I don't think there's enough time for that"
"Bose has postural tachycardia syndrome or (PoTS)"
Bose mom said
" what is that"
"Is a rare disease that causes you to pass out because when standing up you have reduced blood volume Bose knew he was about to pass out when that car showed up"
"Oh that's why he pushed me out of the way"
"And why he said I love you"
"I don't know this disease is not deadly the only biggest problem is falling can put them in the hospital hint hint car hitting him"
"Oh so there no reason why he said that"
"No but he does love you he talks about you a lot"
"Yep why don't you ask him"
"Good idea"

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