Remember me

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4 years later

To day I ran away hoping I would run in to the one and only captain man hoping he can help me find my phone and get away from the home I live in right now as I walked down to the story junk and stuff I thought were would be the place that caption man would be at no other then a junk story I stayed all day and night nothing then 5 people came to the door all covered in what I think is barbecue they all just walked over me and did not even notice me but the girl with similar hair to mika said "did we just walk over a girl" and then everyone seen me they asked questions like who was I what was I doing there and I said "I'm Luna Alina Chapa de Silva  and I'm looking for captain man" they all look worried I knew one of them was captain man
"Just call the man line" says the curly haired boy
"I can't" "sure you can here's the number" said the curly haired boy "I DONT HAVE A PHONE"
"Well I'd love to help you find your dog in a ball pit Tammy but I can't" "my name is Chapa and it's my phone it was stolen" "oh"
These guys was not gonna help me I stayed chained to the door for 10 days till they finally said They would help me out

Sadly we did not find my phone so I walked up to the only place I would stay that's not home and that was mount swellview I remember what Bose said people go  from people you know to people you don't

It's been 4 years since I talked to Bose last Or Mika or miles all they know about me is I'm a mystery just like Bose


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