Chapter 18: Catching a Train to Vale!

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But as the group neared the train yard they all saw a red/white blur suddenly take cover behind a broken down stone wall. It was then they figured out that it was Michael and Ruby taking cover from a few white fang members armed with automatic weapons pinning them down behind the cover. With quick thinking Ryan then switch the safety of his M60 and then started hip-firing his machine gun while still running to the missing teammates. One of the white fang grunts noticed Ryan firing at them but was too late to tell the others as the Vietnam veteran mowed them down. Michael and Ruby then noticed their group of friends approaching them and were relieved to see the sight of the rest of their team.

"Well, what took you guys so long?" Michael asked joking around. 

"We followed the sounds of battle you two have been stirring up." Ryan said. "I take it you did a number on the grunts?" 

"Yep." Michael replied. "Even blew up the front of the train before it could take off."

"A train?" Alex asked.

"They were gonna use it to get to Vale." Michael said. Just then the sound of a train horn was heard just in the train yard. "Oh you are kidding me."

"ALL ABOARD THE TORCHWICK EXPRESS!" Roman yelled out. The group then looked to see the train slow start to move from the yard. 

"Well, that's just great." Alex groaned. "Anyone want to Hijack a train?"

Everyone in the group then raised their hand but before they headed off Ruby's weapon was given back to her to she returned Michaels Springfield to him. But it was then another big explosion near the train yard and the familiar sounds of tank tracks were heard. The group then looked to see an M1A1 Abrams coming around the corner followed by the rest of the other vehicles in the convoy. And to the groups surprise Nick was leading the convoy in the front by running in front of all of them. 

"Hope you all aren't waiting on me!" Nick yelled as he ran to the group. "We need to catch that train!" 

Soon he ran past the group with them soon starting to follow close behind as the convoy started to speed up to the train. Soon the group jumped on the rear railcar in a attempt to stop the train for good to stop the attack on vale. Michael was about to trip onto the ground when Ruby grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the ladder. 

"Thanks!" Michael said as he followed behind Ruby up the ladder. 

"Any time!" Ruby replied as the group made their way on top of the train. Nick then instructed the convoy to follow the train as close as they could as it was the shortest route to Vale. But as the group gathered on the train some were wondering what to do next.

"Why is this train heading Vale?" Weiss asked as the group gathered on the roof.

"They are going to attack Vale!" Michael said. "And we need to find a way to stop it."

"Well, what's in these carts anyway?" Yang asked.

"Lets find out!" Nick said as he pulled out his shotgun and blew off the hinges on a hatch and kicked it down into the cart and looked inside as his eyes widened. "There's a god-damn bomb in here!"

"What, a Bomb?!" Ryan exclaimed. 

"Yep!" Nick answered. "We need to disconnect this cart before it blows!"

"To the next cart then!" Michael exclaimed. As he and the rest of the group headed to the next cart but before then could get on the next cart forward the cart they were on sudden disconnected itself. The group then quickly jumped over to the next car as they saw the cart they were previously on slow down greatly and the marine convoy sped right past it right before the cart sudden exploded. Then after finding another bomb in the next couple carts shortly after finding them the carts were detached and then blew up shortly after.

Marines in Remnant (US Marines x RWBY Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora