Chapter Nineteen-Always

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Making my way up the steps my mind started to wander, what if Fred or Draco got hurt, what if Harry got hurt, what if any of my friends got hurt. I can't stand to see any of them that way. I had this feeling in the bottom of my stomach nagging me, I knew something bad was gonna happen. I don't know if the feeling was one that I was feeling through harry but it was definitely something. The roar of cheers brought me back to reality and I ran to find the others. The pale clouds hung low in the winter sky, casting a dark shadow over Hogwarts and the moors. Setting the unsettling tone of today's match. The low rumble of thunder intensified the excitement of the awaiting fans and students. Almost as if an anthem to pump up the players. Small flashes of lightning only added to my anxiety. Small droplets of rain cascaded down my curls as I took my seat with Luna, Hermione and Neville. 

The winter air had grown colder since we left the castle, but I'm not sure if that's because I no longer feel Fred's warmth or just a change in the temperature. "Hey," I muttered wrapping myself up and snuggling in with Luna. "Hello," replied Luna in her usual sweet tone as she pulled out her spare hat and plopped it on my head. I smiled looping our arms together and turning to face the pitch. "Oh god, this match is going to be absolutely barbaric!" Groaned Hermione as the crowds began to quieten down as madam Hooch began to speak. She raised her wand to her neck and her voice filled the arena. "Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to the first quidditch game of the year! I won't babble on for too long so Please give a massive cheer for the Slytherin team." with her announcement the team flew onto the pitch in a perfect triangle, Draco being captain meant he was at the front. Merlin's Beard he looked incredible up there. He was in his element. The Slytherin stand burst into a fit of clapping and cheering and the occasional horn. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pansy screaming and shouting for Draco. A pang of jealously caused me to stand and scream for Draco just as loud, grasping Draco's attention. A few weird stares from the other Gryffindors around me didn't stop me. I've never been one to follow rules. 

The group of flyers dispersed and lined up on their side of the pitch however Draco didn't follow suit. He smirked and flew towards the Gryffindor stands, hovering just in front of me. "Well aren't you the little traitor," he shouted sending me a wink. "You know me." I laughed. "See ya round Beautiful." He smiled before flying off again to join his teams, a bright smile plastered across his usually brooding face. Hermione and Luna burst into a fit of laughter. "What?" I laughed looking at the two of them. Hermione couldn't catch her breath to reply but somehow choked out "He is so whipped already." I laughed, "I guess so."

Madam Hooch began to speak again, "Give a massive round of applause for the opposing team Gryffindor!" before the team even set foot on the pitch the entire Gryffindor stand practically roared to life including myself. I screamed for my friends and brother as they finally entered onto the pitch. The four Weasley siblings entered first and the crowd grew louder. The girls especially. I screamed and cheered for Fred as all four of them flew past. He gave me a wide smile and blew me a kiss. The girls surrounding me cheered even louder claiming he'd blown them a kiss. This caused another strain of jealously to course through me. Focusing back on the pitch Harry was the next to appear followed by the rest of the team in a similar formation as the Slytherin team. The crowd somehow grew louder and I quickly realised that the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students had joined in. Clearly screaming for "The Chosen One". I'm so proud of Harry and what he has accomplished basically on his own, minus Ron and Hermione of course. I'm pretty sure he would be dead by now without those two. 

The whole team joined together as Madam Hooch set the tone for the match. The bitter cold hadn't subsided but slightly drifted from our thoughts as the pure adrenaline of the match to come coursed through our veins. The Gryffindor students seemed to huddle closer together in pure excitement but subconsciously looking for warmth. The snakes were chanting some stupid song at the Weasley's, it seems Pansy was the ring leader with her little followers around her. Blaise who wasn't playing due to an injury during practice looked far from amused with her childish behaviour. He stood with his arm in a sling and a rather disgusted look on his face. He is very handsome I must admit and very tall, he is 6'3 just like the twins. I watched Bulstrode basically throwing herself at him much to his dismay. Luna and Hermione followed my eye line witnessing the same catastrophic event of flirting taking place before us. "That's almost as bad as watching Lavender's attempt to woo Ron or Won Won should I say." Hermione laughed, now watching Ron, who sent her a rather flirtatious wink across the pitch. She blushed a deep rouge, Luna and I pretended not to notice as she attempted to cover it up with her scarf. 

Our focus was pulled back when the sound of Madam Hooch announcing the beginning of the match flooded through the stadium and the whizz of various balls sprung the players into action. Ron was nervously perched on his broom hovering around the goalposts as Ginny sprung to life catching the quaffle and flying straight for the Slytherin goal. Fred and George zoomed around the playing field protecting their fellow teammates from being hit by a bludger. Harry was nowhere in sight and neither was Draco, both seekers had disappeared. Anxiety started to creep in again at the thought of Harry and Draco being off in a storm somewhere fighting each other for the snitch. Suddenly the Gryffindor fans erupted into chaos as Ginny managed to score a goal. The Weasley brothers all looked so proud of their sister. However, the Slytherin team took this moment of happiness and loss of focus to try and score but Ron was more aware of his surroundings than they thought as he saved the quaffle just before it entered the third goal. The Lions once again roared at the snake's misery. The game continued on for awhile, both teams were in a tie. Then out of the clouds emerged a windswept Draco shortly followed by a rather deranged looking Harry. Both had small cuts scattered across their face. Both towers fell silent in suspense, watching the boys chase after the small golden ball. George and Fred turned to each other and spoke just close enough for us to hear what they were saying. "Ready Fred?" "Ready George!" they both smirked before George took off towards Draco smashing into his side throwing him off balance. 

What the fuck are they doing?! Draco recovered but Harry had already taken the lead. My eyes flicked to Fred as he spun his bat before surging forward and smacking a bludger sending it hurtling towards Draco. I couldn't help but scream at Draco. "DRACO WATCH OUT!" His eyes met mine in shock before he turned towards the bludger flying towards him. He had zero chance of getting out of the way. The bludger smashed into his side sending him flying off his broom. Once again the Gryffindor fans began to cheer as Harry caught the snitch meaning the game was over. But my focus was elsewhere as I watched Draco falling slow motion to the ground. Suddenly the cheering stopped and everything was silent. Everyone just watched as he fell. Just before he hit the floor Dumbledore performed a spell that stopped him hitting the floor at full speed. I ran as fast I could from my seat down to the pitch. How could Fred do that? What the fuck is wrong with him? He knows Draco is my friend. I know they all hate him but it doesn't mean they need to physically hurt him. My heart was beating so fast I could barely hear my footsteps or the sound of anything for that matter.

I reached the pitch before anyone else. He was curled up in a ball screaming in agony, clutching his ribs and stomach. If my legs moved any faster I would've been flying. I fell to the floor next to him, his eyes instantly meeting mine. "Oh god Draco," I cried pulling him onto my lap as he clasped onto my hand. The teachers began to arrive. "Jules, stay with me," Draco pleaded, squeezing my hand pulling me closer to him. "Always," I whispered pulling him closer as they brought out a stretcher. Without realising I'd made a promise to Draco, whether it was as friends or more I don't know, but I plan on keeping that promise.  

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