Chapter Fifteen- Never Tear Us Apart

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A/N: Just a Lil warning there may be some smut.

A few weeks had passed and everything was going back to normal. Well apart from Cedric, he'd been avoiding me like the plague. I just wanted to speak to him and understand what his problem is. Fred has been pretty busy studying so I haven't seen him as much. Draco and I spend most evenings in the room of requirement trying to perfect our Patronus charms and singing and dancing to muggle music. It's like I brought out a different side of Draco that no one knew existed. We fell so naturally into each other I don't think anything could ruin this little thing we have. Except for Fred, who was always swimming around in the back of my mind. The kiss we shared and the way he made me feel so alive. The comfort he brought just by being by my side. Draco still didn't know about the kiss and I planned to keep it that way. I didn't want to hurt or upset either of them. I'm so confused about how I feel. They're both so different.

I was currently sitting in the Library with Hermione and Ginny studying for potions class. Hermione wittering on about Ron as always, when suddenly Ginny burst into tears. "Woah, Woah, Woah what's the matter?" I questioned, jumping out of my seat and running to wrap my arms around her. "Dean and I broke up last night." she blubbed into my shoulder. Secretly I was delighted, this was the perfect chance for harry to swoop in but also I felt for the girl she really liked Dean. "Oh, Hun I'm so sorry." I comforted cuddling her. "What happened?" Hermione questioned. "He likes someone else!" Ginny sobbed. Hermione's eyes met mine. He likes someone else? Who on earth could it be? Luna? Lavender? Or maybe Seamus I always got that kinda vibe. I mean I kinda like the idea of them being together. "Ginny my love there is plenty of fish in the sea." I smiled walking back to my seat. Two male voices drew our attention to the entrance to the library. All three of us looked up, just as Ron and Harry entered. "Talking of fish," I smirked. Ginny's mood suddenly changed, suddenly my heart rate increased and a blush started to rise onto my cheeks. Well, that's new. Then I noticed Harry's cheeks turning a bright rouge and his chest rising and falling ridiculously fast. Ginny and Harry were currently staring deeply into each other's eyes. Realising what could potentially happen, I excused myself, Ron and Hermione got the idea and ran off to probably make out behind a bookcase. I collected my books and walked around placing the borrowed ones back where they belong. Just as I was about to turn a corner a large hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me flush against their chest. I looked up and met a pair of gorgeous hazel eyes. Fred. "Long time no see beautiful." he smiled gently pushing me back against the bookcase. One hand placed on my waist, one gently placed around the back of my neck. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, causing a wide smile to spread across my face. "I've missed you," he leaned down and whispered in my ear. Goosebumps spreading all across my skin. His hot breath hitting the side of my neck caused me to melt into him. He left small soft kisses up and down my neck. I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer. "I've missed you too," I whispered. He pulled away from my neck and stared deep into my eyes. "I can't stop thinking about you." He confessed, caressing the side of my cheek. I blushed at his words. 

I heard footsteps walking towards us and turned my head to see who it was, Fred grabbed my face and snapped my head back to look at him, his eyes met mine once again and I forgot anyone around us. "I can't stop thinking about that kiss too," he smirked. "What?" A voice barked. My face shot to the side, pushing Fred off me. My eyes met Draco's just as his eyes began to fill with tears. "Draco." I cried running towards him. "You kissed him?" he spoke, hurt evident in his voice. I looked down ashamed that he found out. I nodded. Draco pushed passed me and stormed straight towards Fred. Pain and wrath filled him. "You prick!" He roared, his fist colliding with Fred's jaw, knocking the taller boy to the floor at the sheer force of the punch. "I thought I made myself clear when I told you to stay the fuck away from her!" he growled standing over Fred. He kicked Fred's side before grabbing my hand and dragging me from the library.

"Draco! Draco stop!" I cried trying to pull away from him. Before I knew it we were in the room of requirement. He slammed me against the wall, a hand wrapped roughly around my neck. The other pinning me to the wall. "You're mine, do you understand?" he growled, his face inches from mine. This sudden burst of dominance from him had a strange hold over me. I was weak under his touch. His soft lips crashed against mine, sparks flying. Our lips moving in perfect harmony. We gradually pulled apart in need of air. Both our chests rising and falling in sync. A smile grew on both of our faces. He grabbed my face and pulled me into a slow passionate kiss, he spoke between kisses, "you. Are. Mine." His hand made its way down to my neck once again. Why did that feel so good? He didn't stop at my neck and soon both hands wrapped around my waist lifting me up, I wrapped my legs around him as he walked us towards the bed. Never breaking the kiss until he threw me down the soft velvet sheets breaking my fall.

 He crawled up towards me his body balanced perfectly over mine. He pulled me into a kiss once more before standing up and walking towards the fireplace. He used his wand to light the fire and wandered over to the record player. I lay on my side just watching as he moved so elegantly around the room. Suddenly the candles all around lit up, giving the room a dim romantic glow. He flicked through the records on the shelf. Over our time in the room, we had discovered new muggle music that neither of us had heard. He picked out a record but I didn't see the cover and a smirk spread across his gorgeous features. He spun the record in his hands before placing it gently on the player and strutting back towards me. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt slightly. I was speechless. With a flick of his wand the record began to play and the song "Never tear us apart" by INXS drifted around the room. Well, that definitely sets the mood. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he reached the bed. By this time I was sat at the edge of the bed looking up at him. His eyes darkened with lust and he pushed me down on the bed, grabbing both of my wrists and holding them above my head, he began to kiss down my neck but my shirt restricted his access, he looked up as if asking for permission, unable to speak I nodded. He ripped open my shirt and left a trail of kisses down my chest. I bucked my hips, clearly having no control over my body anymore. "Not just yet beautiful," he growled. He let go of my wrists and I ran my fingers through his platinum blonde hair, causing him to let out a slight moan. He suddenly grabbed me and threw me to the top of his bed and used my tie to tie me to the bed. He took control in every aspect and I was living for it. He lay between my legs and let his hands roam up and down my body, his lips met mine once again and I could his excitement through his trousers and smirked knowing I had that power over him. 

"You're driving me crazy," he growled before biting my lip. I moaned slightly causing a smirk to grace his face. I was in heaven. I looked down at his shirt practically begging him to take it off. He got the message. Sitting up he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and threw it across the room. I was speechless. His chest was toned, which developed into a shallow six-pack which met his V-line. Oh wow. "Take a picture it will last longer." he laughed. I was dying to touch him. He clearly wanted the same thing as he untied my hands they flew to his chest feeling his soft skin. "Can we stay like this forever?"

To be continued...                           

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