Chapter Three-The Troublemakers meet at last

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Chapter song- Trouble by Cage the Elephant

It's not even six am and I am awoken by some furball circling at the bottom of my bed, trying to get comfortable. It's sweet and Crookshanks is cute but I didn't have the best night sleep, I need all the rest I can get. I kept having these weird dreams, I can't exactly remember what they were about but it wasn't good. Well, I'm up now, I might as well get ready for my first day.

Hermione is already up and dressed with Ginny when I enter the common room. "Good morning Ladies, how are we all this morning?" I asked taking a seat in the armchair opposite the girls. "Good morning Jules, we are wonderful, thank you, you seem very cheery this morning, it doesn't have anything to do with your little conversation with Diggory does it?" Ginny smirked. "Oh no it's not like that at all, me and Diggory are gonna be good friends I can feel it. And anyway he's not my type, I prefer redheads like our little brainbox over here." I replied causing a blush to rise to Hermione's cheeks just in time for Ron and Harry to enter. "I do not!" Hermione protested causing Ginny and me to laugh at her embarrassed state. Bless her heart, I've been here a day and I've noticed how they pine after each other. Ron yawned aggressively as he took a seat next to Hermione, "Why thank you, for that magnificent display of tonsils at this time in the morning Ronald." I commented causing the rest of the group to laugh. "Sorry mate, well are we going to breakfast or not, I'm Starving.." Ronald sighed leaning into Hermione absentmindedly. I smirked at Hermione causing her blush to intensify. "Come on then." Harry murmured before heading off towards the Great Hall with Ginny.

I trailed behind the group, admiring all the portraits and paintings, having the odd passing conversation with the portraits that were awake. Suddenly I felt two rather tall boys appear either side of me. "Nice try boys, you can't scare me that easily." I snickered and continued walking to the Great Hall flicking my hair, the twins entail. I turned abruptly on my heels to face the boys, forcing them to stop in their track. "So you're the boys I've been waiting all summer to meet?" I smiled flirtatiously, mostly aiming my attention to Fred. Why do I feel such a pull towards him? "I guess so," Fred responded with a crooked smile. Well, damn, I might just melt on the spot. I held his gaze for a little longer before George coughed awkwardly, causing Fred to look away "Sorry to ruin the moment but I'm hungry so I will meet you two in the hall" George smirked at Fred before leaving.

"So you're the new troublemaker I've been waiting to meet?" He winked. "I guess so." I laughed responding the same way he did. He smiled down at me before slowly falling in line with me to walk to breakfast. HE IS SO TALL! I think I may be in love... I looked down avoiding his stare, in fear of blushing and giving up my confident exterior. He was so handsome in such an unconventional way, his fiery red hair perfectly complements his deep mahogany eyes, his skin so fair and pale the slightest blush gives him away. He truly was stunning.

We made our way to the hall chatting about everything and anything, we are like the same person, it's kinda scary. I feel so comfortable around him already. We made it to the Great Hall just in time to grab some toast. "Maybe we should walk a bit faster next time before Ron scoffs the lot," I remarked pointing out the two empty plates. Ron Shrugged "I warned you I was starving." the rest of the table laughed before departing to start their first day of the year.

I smiled at the twins, "see you at lunch guys." and began to walk towards what I hoped was the right way to Herbology.

"Hey, wait, Jules will you find your classes okay?" Fred asked placing a hand on my shoulder, I blushed at the sudden touch and looked down before turning slightly, "I'm sure I can manage, for now, maybe you can walk me to potions after lunch?" I suggested with a small smile. "Yeah, of course, I'll erm s-see you later then J" he stuttered before walking away, that seemed very out of character to what I'd seen so far. Do I have the same effect on Fred as he does me? Boy, I hope so.

Herbology here I come.

A/N: sorry its short I will update again tomorrow. Well she's met the twins, let's see how meeting draco goes. thank you guys so much for the comments and votes i have no idea how many people are reading because my wattpad isn't working but i love you guys tyyyyy! <3          

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