Chapter 7

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A week... It's been so long already. It leaves me feeling kinda... weird. Out of my normal routine. I used to be around The King all day, and night. Now I barely see him. Only the times where he decides to go out, which he doesn't as much.

I wonder if he feels the same... Would he?

No... He doesn't..

"ey... "


I widen my eyes as I turn around rapidly.

"Ah.. Yes?"

I say, getting serious once again.

"Uh, why bother putting guards when all they do is space out." She murmured while rolling her eyes.

"Prime Minister... do you need anything?"

"I posses personal and important information. Which needs to be discussed with the King himself."

"Now if you excuse me... "

She finished as she was about to take a step near the first entrance.

"I'm afraid I can't let you in without the King's others"

I quickly got in the way, while the guards who were a few steps behind me did the same.

"Look, Captain Yeong. Oops...  right. You're no longer the Captain, huh... My bad, I forgot" She said as she widely smirked trying to provoke me.

Which looking at her was already getting on my nerves.

"But anyways, as I was saying... How will a normal guard know all of the arrangements the King has set? You probably don't even know what he's doing right no-"

"I may be guarding but I know all the dates he has planned, and the orders he has given the other guards."

"And for your information, Minister Koo..., I know as much information as the new Captain knows."

"Such as how the King most likely warned you about coming into his castle without any planned reasons."

I spoke without stuttering any word.

Her glare had gotten more... intense.

"We can let the King know about your arrival, can't we?"

A random guard behind me had spoke.

"Exactly what I was going to say, now if you can please do it right now... As I said, this is very important and I don't like the idea of wasting more time."

She agreed, with more attitude.

I had no other choice but to also agree and open the gate.

-some time later-

I stood infront of the King's door. It's been... a while since I last did.

I miss him.

It feels like its been already a year without him. Yet only a week has passed. Though... I can't stop thinking about him.

I am always wondering if he's okay...

Lots of thoughts storm inside my head every second, one after another...

such as;

"Did he get to finish his desserts without anyone threatening to ignore him if he didn't?"

"Was he told to rest when he overworked himself?"

"Does he has someone who cares about him...?"

I stood still as the door knob moved, ready to be opened.

I was wishing to see the King up close but... of course it didn't happen.

There stood Minister Koo with a big smile on her face. She seems happy, for some reason...

No, she seems satisfied.

I wanted to know what happened between the two, but it isn't any of my business and I'm not going to act noisy.

So I just decided to follow her until a guard...- The new Captain stopped us.

"Ive been informed by the King himself that he won't allow any guards near his room."

"He also ordered me to look out for Minister Koo, so if you don't mind."

He signaled me to move away, as he was gonna lead her way instead.

"Do return to your original work space."

I nodded as I watched the two leave.

I sighed, I'm still not used to being ordered by someone,  except from the Royale Palace.

It's weird not being called a Captain too.

I heard a door open, as I looked to my side I felt someone pull me by my arm.

I quickly shoved whoever's hand that was and took my gun out in case it was some intruder or something.


I stood still.

When I analyzed what was happening I quickly let go of my gun and looked down in disappointment.

"Y- your Majesty!"

"I am deeply sorry for pointing my gun to your direction, you can give me any punishment and ill-"

"Forgive me."

Was all I heard before being pulled into a hug...

"Your... Majesty..?" Was all I could say.


"Let's... run away, together."

Author note:
(Alright... I've been gone for A LOT,,,  and uh- you guys are so nice I couldn't just ignore yall... 💀 I'll REALLY try to post more uh fast lmao)

"Secret Romance" Lee Gon x Jo YeongWhere stories live. Discover now