Im Hurting !!!

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Hi I'm broken. I have a family that's really segregated in terms of love and really diverse. I'm not happy in fact, I'm NVR happy and I can't understand why its so hard to be happy. You see I don't understand they you have to make yourself but yet in this chaotic world what is there to make you feel happy. I ponder on this type of thing everyday I want to normal yet normal isn't reality. I suffer from anorexia which means I'm way to concern with my weight and you know the rest .

I'm also really tired and sick of love just like everything about makes me cringe. Well I wasn't always this way you see when you like someone and you put effort into it and the other does nothing its bound to cause heartbreak . I have just reached the point where I no longer care who likes me or not because I realize that it isn't worth being there for someone and they have no interest in having a better relationship with love.

Sometimes I just hate myself overall to the point where I question my existence . Like what's my purpose? Where do I belong ? And honestly sometimes I guess NO Where.
But Hey!, Who cares right .  No one does , and I don't either not be negative but I want a better life ,
But hey you only live once sadly ....
I honestly just want to loved for me and not what I look like to be judged based on my character not by family , And to be known in the world for something great .

That's why I write, that's why I do art , that's why I try to inspire others . Because I believe I can do better I just haven't gotten the chance. So I cry and I feel depressed, the biggest changes can be done by anyone. I may be weak but the weakest things can have an extraordinary strength. So I'm just ME for now..😊

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