Drew's POV

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I awoke the next morning in my human form, naked on the living room floor. Shit, it's true. Warm milk does knock you out...
I hurriedly threw on my clothes, not bothering with my bow tie and stretched. It took me a while to realise that the house was wreck and remember what happened. I have to find him.
The bedroom door creaked open and out came... Someone. Shane, was it? Yeah, Shane!
"Good morning!" I chirped, skipping over to him.
"Oh!" He gasped, flinching slightly. "Who are you?"
At that I giggled. "I'm Drew! I live here. And you're Shane! But you probably know that already!" Smooooooth.
"H-how do you know that? Have you been here the whole time?"
"Yep! The cat told me." Totally sane thing to say.
I walked over to the kitchen to put the kettle over the fire and offered Shane some tea. He rubbed his eyes, probably very confused, gratefully accepting the offer. So after popping some tea leaves into the heavy black pot as well as some water, I lifted the handle of the kettle onto the hook over the fire. It was then I realised he have no matches, the fire usually coming from Laurence's fingertips.
Erm, some quick thinking is required here.
"What's the matter?" Shane asked from his place on the sofa.
"Well, we seem to be out of matches..." I sighed. So much for that plan.
Shane smiled, digging through his trouser pockets. "Not a problem, I always carry some with me."
I walked over to him (an easy feat seeing as though the whole downstairs is open plan, save the bedroom) and took the small box from him, our fingers gently brushing causing me to blush. Hmmm...

A short while later and we were both settled down sipping our tea. I'm sure Laurence won't mind if I used his best china, this was important after all...
We chatted for a while, it turns out Shane was walking his dog through the woods when the loud noises of the raid scared his dog off running, so Shane came investigating the house to try and find him. Shane came from a town on the other side of the woods where he had no family. He was the town mechanist, particularly fond of fixing up trains and never went anywhere without his favourite brass goggles. I in turn told him my own story. I was just getting to the part where Laurence found me when there was a knock on the door frame. I stood up and looked over. Standing in the gap in the wall was a familiar face that I was more than happy to see.
"Luke!" I cried, running over and throwing my arms around his waist.
"Hey, Drew!" He beamed cheerfully, ruffling my hair. "Is Laurence home? Well, what's left of home anyway..." Luke's smiled dropped at the last part of his question. I have some explaining to do.
Luke removed his top hat, placing it on the table as he sat on the battered sofa, patting the space next to him. I sat back down and leant my head on his shoulder. Ugh, everyone in the house smells like dog!
"So, what's the story?" He asked, slinging an arm around my shoulders.
"Laurence has been arrested. By the town guards." I sighed.
"What?! Shit!" Luke ran his hands down his face, keeping his eyes on the floor.
"I know! They just came in here, trashed the place and left. Oh! The full moon is in three days and you need your po--"
"Drew!" Luke whispered harshly, looking first at me, then at Shane.
"Oh right! Yeah no it's fine. He knows about witches, I'm sure werewolves won't bother him!"
Shane's eyes widened. "It's been a weird day..." He sighed, draining the last of his tea.
"Laurence never let's me finish my tea. He always insists he reads my leaves. Witches, eh?" I smiled. "Anyway, Luke. Maybe the leaves are accurate because Laurence just finished brewing up a batch just before he was taken. It should last for the next four days but then we really have to find him..."
"It's not just about that." Luke frowned. "Laurence is an old family friend. I'd be devastated without him..."
We sat in silence for a while before Shane spoke up. "Plus there's the witch hunts..."
Luke sat up, a distant look in his eyes. "What did you say...? He whispered.
"You said he'd been arrested by the town guards? For witchcraft? That hasn't happened for about 200 years. Generally the witches have been left to their own devices. Last time a witch was arrested for being what they are was the hunts all that time ago."
Me and Luke exchanged a worried glance.
"They're going to kill him?!"
"Yeah..." Luke replied, looking like he'd lost himself. "We need to go." He stood up and starting heading towards the door. "NOW!"
Me and Shane gathered anything we would need, weapons, books, food before bolting out the door and out to save our friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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