"Grace! I'm going to my car for a minute, I'll be right back!" She walked out to the front of the café as I was grabbing my keys.

"Why in the world are you going out to your car?" Grace asked, curious.

I grinned and looked at her, "Wouldn't you like to know?" I winked and then went out to grab the bags.

After finally being able to hold them all, I shut my trunk, and carefully went inside after locking my car. Grace was holding the door for me, so I tried to hurry.

As soon as I got in, I thanked her and booked it upstairs before her noisy butt decided to look in the bags.

I carefully hid them in my room and locked my door before heading back down. Ben had just finished the customer's food when I returned, so I thanked him and grabbed it, carefully making my way to the man.

"Here you go, sir. Your cheeseburger, onion rings and a bottle of water. Enjoy! If you need anything else, I'll just be over here." I smiled and grabbed the empty tray before walking back to the counter.

Grace grabbed the tray and a deep tray we use for picking up dirty dishes at the end of the night and started making her way around the little tables, collecting the dishes. Ben started sweeping and mopping, cleaning around the café, and I started putting the food away and cleaning the counter tops.

A little while later, our only customer walked up to the counter.

"Could I get a slice of blueberry pie and a glass of milk?" He asked, getting my attention.

"Yes, you can." I said, before grabbing a small plate and glass. I carefully cut a piece of the blueberry pie before pouring the milk. "Here you go, sir."

The man started handing me some money, more than enough for the order.

"Don't worry about it. It's on the house." I smiled and handed him his pie and milk.

"Oh.. Okay. Thank you." He nodded his head at me before sitting at the counter.

"You're welcome. Happy holidays!" I smiled once more and went to clear his previous table.

Ben had just finished what he was doing when he looked outside.

"Holy moly. When did the snow get so bad?" He asked no one in particular.

Grace and I looked out the window after he said it. We were surprised at how much it had piled up out there.

"Jess, turn on the weather please." Grace said, standing by her husband.

I obliged and turned the tv to the Weather channel.

"The blizzard we were expecting sure did hit us, Mike. The snow has now piled up to where many citizens can't even open their doors! So, even though you might not have a choice in the matter, I suggest you stay indoors, folks!" Gary, the weather man, said.

"Thank you, Gary and that's insane! After the break, we'll be talking to you about the local charity donation event. Thank you for staying with us on the 6 o'clock news!" I turned the tv off after they went to break and turned to Grace and Ben.

Baby, It's Cold OutsideWhere stories live. Discover now