Chp 10: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒈 + 𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒆?

Start from the beginning

"Me" Hinata volunteered, all of them just cheered mentally.

"Ok!, Truth or Dare?" Suga asked, hoping he would pick Dare.

"I'll go easy for now, so Truth" if I pick Dare right now who knows what they will dare me, and somethings fishy here bout this game.

"Hmmm...Oh!, Why didn't you tell us you can Dance?" Suga said everyone looked at him completely confused, and Hinata was surprised as to why did he know that.

"*Sigh*...One day we were heading to practice, when we heard music coming from the gym, so Tanaka and Nishinoya had the idea to look inside and we saw Hinata dancing" Daichi explained-.

"Wait! when I heard the door close, that was you guys?!" Hinata said with a shock face, His team just nodded.

"Yeah, shrimp, so back to the question" Tsukisima said annoyed.

"Why didn't you tell us Hinata?" Asahi asked quietly.

"W-well...I-i thought it wasn't important and stuff so...I didn't tell you..." Hinata said looking embarrassed.

'Cute..!' everyone thought

"...ok, whose next?" Hinata said and continue the game.

(Skip to Hinata's turn again cause I'm still sleepy and I woke up at 4)

"Alright, Hinata Truth or Dare?" Suna asked the ginger.

"Hmmm... Dare!" 'Let's get this over with, what are you planning?'. Hinata thought to himself.

'Give him a nice one, Suna!' Everyone told Suna mentally.

"I dare you to...tell us who you have a crush on" Suna smirked mentally, and same goes to the re-.

"Can't do that" Hinata said and everyone was confused so they asked him.

"Huh? Why?" Yamaguchi asked him.
the rest nodded wanting to know the gingers reasons.

"Yeah, Why? Chibi-chan?" Oikawa added.

"You have to do the Dare Hinata" Konoha said.

'So this is their plan, making me spill the tea, hehehe rather than that-'.

"Tell me...why play Truth or Dare so sudden in the morning, did you wanna know something?-" Hinata said looking at them with lust in his eyes and husky voice, everyone froze at the sudden change of the ginger, "-or did you have other plans?" Hinata said seductively.

Everyone still frozen so they didn't know how to respond, Hinata just smirked and said-'.

"If you have other plans, you could've just asked me to do it, rather than play this game, right?~~" Hinata said in a teasing way.

'When did this shrimp become such a tease?' Tsukisima mentally noted it.

'I like this Chibi-chan' Kuroo and Oikawa thought and smirked mentally.

'What happened to my baby?!' Suga cried mentally.

'Why can't I move!... Dammit boke!' you know who this is, so yeah.

'Is this really, Shōyō?' Kenma asked himself.

'HINATA!?!?' The two idiots yelled mentally, on why can their Kohai be acting like that.

'I'd be lying if I said I don't like this Hinata' Atsumu thought and looked at Hinata lustfully.

'As much as I hate to agree with you, I have to second that' His brother said mentally scowling at his brother.

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