Chapter 17: Back to Work

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"My god, I'm going to beat the shit out of you if you're dead,"

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"My god, I'm going to beat the shit out of you if you're dead,"

The afternoon sky was bled of its warmth as clouds began to roll in from the distance. Olivia noticed this, but stayed on the bench as she knowingly watched her friend. Disappointment and the faintest trace of frustration pulled Korra's expression into a frown.

She ended the call with a quick swipe and lowered her hand by her side, still firmly holding the phone. Looking to the sky for a moment, Korra watched as patches of gray continuously covered the deep blue sky. "What a perfect day," she thought.

Turning around to face Olivia, Korra slowly approached her friend, preparing to break the bad news.

"Hey," Korra placed her hand on the bench. Standing behind her friend, she looked down and watched as Olivia turned to face her. "It was the precinct... apparently there was a fatality and-"

"Go," Olivia cut her off softly. "They wouldn't be hounding you like this if it wasn't important." Korra could tell that she was disappointed, but Olivia shook it off and smiled reassuringly at her.

"I'm sorry," Korra trailed off, fumbling with her coat pockets. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

The two smiled at each other in silence for a moment. Olivia knew that Korras hands were tied on a situation like this, especially if it was an order from the Captain.

"It's fine, my dad just likes to make sure nobody down there has time for a social life," Olivia joked. Korra almost forgets that Olivia is even remotely related to Captain Fowler. She's definitely adapted some parts of his personality, but Olivia would sooner roll over and die than ever willingly set foot in a police station.

"Next time we get dinner we'll just have to bill him to make it even," she chuckled and picked her keys out of her pocket. Olivia stood up as she laughed along with her friend, preparing herself for the bus ride back to her apartment. "Do you want me to walk you to your stop?"

"I think I'll manage crossing the street without someone holding my hand," Olivia grinned as she approached Korra and quickly embraced her. "Give Reed my worst."

"You know I always do," Korra breathed as Olivia's scarf pushed up against her face.

Soon enough, they broke apart from each other and said their goodbyes. Korra watched as her best friend continued down the pathway only to turn and head back the way they had come. As soon as Olivia was out of sight, Korra snaked her hand into her purse for a cigarette.

Korra had parked her car in the shopping district, so the walk to the garage was short but chilling. She watched as the clouds that had rolled in grew darker and darker, the smell of wet pavement wafting through the air predicted exactly how the rest of her walk was going to be.

Thoughts of Olivia and work flooded her mind as she absentmindedly flicked the ash from the cigarette in her hand. The bad habit wasn't helping at all, which was exactly what Korra didn't need at the moment. Being the lead forensic scientist at the DPD had its perks, but one of them was certainly not how much time she spent at the precinct.

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