Chapter 13: Poison of Choice

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The car had been unbearably silent on the way to Korra's apartment, Hank hadn't dared to say anything while she did nothing but stare blankly out of the windshield. The concern increasingly grew in his chest the more Hank stole quick glances at her, sitting with her legs pulled up to her chest and a shock blanket clinging to her damp clothes.

Eventually, he slowed down the car and parked it directly in front of the apartment building. Hank wasted no time turning off and getting out of the car, walking around and over to the passenger side of the car only to pull the passenger door open.

For a moment Korra didn't do anything, she just continued to sit there as if the car was still speeding down the freeway. But just as Hank was about to say something, she reached her hand over to her seat belt buckle and unbuckled it. The belt quickly retracted as Korra turned her body and carefully stood up on the curb of the street.

"Lets get you inside, kid," Hank muttered as he shut the car door behind her and walked her all the way up to her apartment. Once she unlocked the door, Hank slowly walked in behind her only to be practically attacked by an excited Koda. After closing the door and giving some attention to Koda, Hank walked through the kitchen and into the living room. As soon as he turned the corner, he saw Korra looking through the sliding glass door that led to her balcony.

"Hank?" She called to him and slowly turned to face him, the shock blanket still being clutched around her shoulders. "Do you think you can take Koda for the night? I think... I think I just need to be alone for a bit," she asked and paced over to where Hank was standing in the doorway.

Although he himself had his own dog and he had no real reason to say 'no', Hank grunted at having to be the dog sitter.

"Alright, but just for one night. Are you sure it'll be a good idea for you to be alone?" He questioned her, slightly annoyed at the request but still obviously concerned.

"Yea, I'll be fine. It's just for one night I promise, you can drop him back off tomorrow morning on your way to the office."

With that, Korra put Koda's leash and plastic container full of his food in a reusable shopping bag and handed it to Hank. After thanking him and petting Koda a bit, Korra walked Hank to the door.

Korra watched the two go off down the hallway for a moment before slowly turning back into her apartment and closing the door behind her. The environment around her seemed colder now, especially since she was always used to having the dog be there when she came home. But this was just the second time that she had asked someone to watch Koda, the first time only being a few years prior from a similar event.

Walking out of the kitchen and down the hallway to her bedroom, Korra gradually let the shock blanket fall from her shoulders to the wooden floor. She didn't bother picking it up, it just seemed like of all the things that had happened today, dropping something on the floor could be dealt with later.

As soon as she made it into her room, she gradually stripped her clothes off only to replace them with a fresh pair of underwear. After putting them on, she shrugged as she grabbed the crop top and shorts she had been sleeping in that morning.

As soon as she threw the shirt over her head, the scenes from this morning began flashing through her head.

The knock on the door, Koda practically jumping on Connor, Connor walking in on her changing.

She squeezed her eyes closed as soon as the memories came rushing back. A slight, throbbing headache began to pound at the back of her skull. Trying to shrug it off, Korra walked out of her room and back into the kitchen.

Korra sighed to herself as she walked to the cabinet at the very end of the counter and stood on the tips of her toes to reach the glass bottle that rested on the top shelf. Taking a step back, Korra looked to the cabinet where the cups where stored but soon figured that she wouldn't need one. Resting the glass bottle on the counter, Korra recognized it to be her personal poison of choice: tequila.

Picking it back up, Korra twisted the gold colored cap off the bottle only to place it down on the table. She hastily fetched a class from the cabinet and poured herself a double.

Korra looked down at her glass for a moment, the images of the highway flashing through her head. She just wanted it to stop, even if it was for a little while. So with shaking hands, she brought the glass up to her lips and began to slow down the memories.

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