sleepover confession ☁︎︎nicky☁︎︎

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woah two updates in one day?!?? also this imagine sucks like if you're confused don't t worry i was just writing this.

[1st person pov]

"finally dawn, you get your own room!" i flopped onto dawns new bed. the bed squeaked as mea sat down next to me.

"i know right! i finally get my own space to myself." dawn closed her door. i sat back up and took my backpack off of me.

"this is perfect! now we get to have our sleepover confessions in privet." mea whisper-shouted.  we haven't seen the 'ickys' since we came back from the ice cream shop, but just in case they were around we didn't want them to hear us.

"okay okay i'll go first, i may or may not be crushing like crazy on mack" dawn squealed and hopped into the bed next to me.

"oh my god mack? isn't he in your math class?" i asked and laughed at her flustered self. mea giggled next to me.

"yes!" dawn let out a high pitched sound after bouncing up and down with excitement.

"i knew it! you always get giddy around him! okay my turn, i'm terrified of balloons.. i know i know weird." mea hid her face into her hands in embarrassment.

"mea balloons are literally harmless." i sighed in confusion. dawn looked at mea as if she had gone crazy

"that's why they're scary because they just float..and stay still." mea whispered and kept her face hidden in her palms.

dawn and i tried out best to not laugh hysterically but we let out a little giggle and almost lost all our sanity.

"okay enough, y/n it's you're turn, tell is you deepest darkest secret." mea lifted her face from her hands and smiled widely.

"okay here goes nothing... i might have a crush on one of you're brothers..." i blushed and hid my face by looking down at my feet.

mea and dawn took a quick glance at eachother and their mouth dropped in awe, "y/n!!!!!" they yelled.

"shhhhhhh!!!" i hissed them with my hands over their mouths. i definitely did not want anyone to hear especially-

"ugh please don't let it be dicky." dawn whined childishly. i lifted my face back up to face her and scrunched my face up in disgust, "oh no not him." i replied.

"ricky?" mea chimmed in.

"nope." i over exaggerated the 'o'

"no way, nicky?" dawn said as she glanced at mea and then back to me

"maybe." i felt my cheeks get hot. mea and dawn gasped loudly and started squealing for like the 10th time today.

"you like nicky?!" mea smiled extra wide

"sure do." i smiled back. i'm glad dawn isn't made at me

"i totally thought it be dicky." dawn laughed at leaned into my shoulder playfully

"ew no i mean no offense or anything." i shrugged. dawn laughed a little and a voice broke the laughter

"none taken." the voice said from the closet

"-what? "

"who's there?-"


our voices overlapped each other.

"dicky you blew our cover!" another voice said sounding like ricky

"oops sorry" dicky stepped out from the closet. ricky followed behind him annoyingly. and following him nicky came out brighter then a tomato.

"wait wait you heard our entire sleepover confession session?" dawn raised her eyebrows angeredly

"oh dear." i slouched my shoulders

"hey y/n can i uh talk to you in privet?" nicky adjusted his collar on his shirt awkwardly

"yeah." i sighed shakily.

"so you hear everything, yeah?" we ended up in the upstairs bathroom. i could tell nicky was really nervous.

"basically." he shrugged and blushed even harder.

i sighed and leaned back against a wall, "look i'm sorry nicky i didn't know what... i do like you, a lot nicky, i'm not denying that." i looked back at him and saw his eye lit up happily.

"r-really?" he smiled softly. his happiness brought blush to my face, i nodded.

"w-woah, i like you too!" he smiled and looked down at his feet.

"wait seriously?!" i stepped forward to him more.

he nodded and looked back up, i didn't realize that i slowly leaned in to him more and more until...

the gap between us closed and we kissed.


his hand when up to my cheek and i placed both my hands in his face.

i wished this could last forever-!

"yo! you two done swapping spit or-" dicky peeled his head from behind the door.

"DICKY!" we both sneered at him in unison.

"sorry, sorry i'll be out." he closed the door behind him.

i squinted my eyes and the door closed in front of me. that just happened, that just happened!

"so, uhm, y/n would you want to be my girlfriend?" nicky twiddled his fingers

"yeah, of course i will." i smiled and grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers.

we opened the door to see everyone backing away from the door, they were listening to our conversation through the door.

"so, girlfriend and boyfriend huh?" ricky smirked and crossed his arms.

"yeah i guess." i shrugged and glanced at dawn and mea who were smiling super-duper wide

then dicky,ricky, dawn and mea all cued together in unison, "oOoOoOooOoooO!"

this story
was in my drafts
for like 2 months lmao

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