Eight ☕︎︎five☕︎︎

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Five's in his room writing things on his wall you come in holding a coffee for him. Your number eight (five refers to you as eight because he thinks is "cuter" tho he never told you that but really it's because you number eight in the umbrella academy)
(Warning some SMEXY thing gonna happen)

Your POV

I walked in fives room seeing him standing on his bed writing non sense on his walls. I didn't really want to bother him but he was my friend,I wish he was more.. "hey eight got my coffee" it's like he already sensed my presence. "Oh uhm hey yea I do here" I handed him the hot mug and sat on his bed. He got down and sat next to me. I turned my head to her....Dolores. I'm not jealous of the fucking mannequin I swear but he paid more attention to it than me. "Uhm eight why are you giving the death stare to Dolores?" Fuck "what no I wasn't" I shoved my hands into my face. I heard five laugh and take a sip of his coffee. "Ya know what's funny eight." He paused I mumbled "mhm".."after all those years in the apocalypse there was never a day that went by of me not thinking of you. You were the only thought that kept me alive." He gazed at me his cheeks became a tiny bit pink. "Dolores was my interpretation of you.." then he stared at the doll which sitting there helplessly. "Her presence reminded me of you so I wasn't alone....it sounds ridiculous but I wanted you and only you" now he was closer to me his hand on top of mine breathing on me. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't love you" his hand squeezed mine he smirked and looked down them back up if this was his way of trying to seduce me....it's working "but five i—" he took his free hand that held to warm coffee and placed his finger on my lips shhhing me. "And I know i know you don't know how to take this information in but—" then I was my turn to shh him "oh five you have no idea how long I've been waiting to here those got damn words come out of your mouth" I moved my finger and closed the gap between me and him smashing my lips against his. He took it and he kisses back. He put his hands on my hips as he laid back down now with me on top of him he made his way down to my neck kissing it. My hands went up and down his chest. Then my hands wemt to his hair moving it out of its once gelled state. He stopped and looked at me why did he stop he looked behind me so did I. He got up locked the door and put Dolores in a closet.
He turned back around his tie was lose and his shirt was half unbuttoned

"Now where were we"

(I swear to god I will never ever ever write smut ever so this is the best thing you'll get to that 💀)

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