science project p2 ☀︎︎aidan☀︎︎

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Yo here part 2

Day 2, Saturday

Y/N grabbed a hooded sweatshirt and some red converse. She picked up her backpack ,waved bye to her parents, and ran out of her house to 'Grubies'


Yo! danny I'm on way!


Like it? It's my new nickname for you get it aiDAN

Wow now I gotta find one for you

Welp I have arrived I'll save a table for us


Y/N walked up to the entrance and was met by a waitress

"Table for one?" The lady asked fixing her apron.

"Two actually" Y/N corrected holding onto her backpack straps

"Oh date?" The waitress smiled and leaned into her desk

"Nope science project" Y/N said with an awkward smile.

"Oh well then right this way" the waitress grabbed two menus and lead the way to a booth.

Y/N sat down and open her backpack to get out her science journal.

"Want anything to drink while you wait?" The waitress smiled softly

"Shirley Temple please" Y/N grinned widely
(A/N: A Shirley temple is sprite with cherries, it'll play to your nickname)

"Will do I'll be right back" the waitress walked away

I'm here!!

Perfect I'm in the booth outside!



Aidan walked up to the entrance and saw Y/N sipping her drink scrolling through tiktok. He decided it would be a great decision to scare her.

He walked up behind her stealthily and grabbed her shoulders "Boo!"

"Jesus" Y/N inhaled her drink and Aidan laughed as he sat down on the other side of the booth.

"Ah alright we should get started" Aidan brought himself back up

"Yeah" Y/N grabbed the napkin and whipped her face with it "So why did you wanna choose climate change?" Y/N asked curiously. Normally the boys in her grade would wanna do something stupid.

"I-uhm-" Aidan tried to find the right words. He couldn't necessarily reveal himself but he did however come up with the right words to use, "Well I'm really passionate about the environment so I thought it be great to like do a project on it"

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