Chapter 2

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^Her fit for school

She wore this under some sweatpants for auditions

(Changed it since everyone and they momma got something to say)

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(Changed it since everyone and they momma got something to say)

Isabelle's POV:

It's my turn for the audition I took my sweats off earlier and now I'm in my leotard and ballet shoes.

I'm nervous but I'm ready.

Andie looked upset when she came out but I just thought it was because she didn't want to be here.

"wish me luck" I hugged andie and walked in.

"Hey can you play this song" I asked while giving them my registration form.

I got a nod from the blondie.

I went on stage and started dancing after the song started.

I heard clapping I bowed and grabbed my stuff.

I put my sweats back on and met up with Andie outside.


"So what happened?" Felicia inquired.

"You guys, I choked" said Andie.

"i'm sure your gonna get in your amazing but I think I did good" I reassured her.

"What do you mean?" both Felicia and Missy said at the sametime.

"I tried to get it back but I just freaked out. Sarah gonna have her in Texas before we know it." said Andie.

"No, she's not she'll understand" I said.

Andie's phone rung and here comes Tuck.

"Yo? Who you talking to?" Tuck said aggressively.

"Yo chill yourself out. Your getting a little too hype" I said responding to Tuck.

I could tell the call was urgent as her face was getting serious.

"I gotta take this real quick." And with that Andie walked a little further from us.

"Man, what y'all doing? Come on." Tuck said to me, felicia, and missy.

I dragged my feet over to where everyone else was.

My phone rang as well. It was MSA telling me I got in.

I locked eyes with she looked happy.

I went over there her shared the good news and we went to where the others were.

"Looks like I'm staying." Andie shared with a big smile.

"I knew you killed it" I smiled at her.

"Oh! You are! Goodness, girl. I knew you would. How were you not gonna make it?" came from Missy and Felicia.

Next thing you know Tuck is saying..

"Yo, we need a family meeting. Yo, we got this gig at the Dragon coming up, and we're not even close to being ready. The Four-one-oh is a unit. We're only as strong as our weakest link. With the way our new members are slacking-"

"I know damn well he aint talking about us" I said to Andie.

"I dont think he is" she said not fully convinced.

"-we have to step it up. Which means, rehearsal every day, 4:00 p.m. No excuses, no being late, and no cell phones. Are we clear?" Tuck finished in front of Andie.

"Oh hell no I knew he was talking about us" I started now face to face with Tuck.

"listen i'm going to be busy now I gotta go to school. I got stuff to do I would love to continue dancing with yall but not if I dont have time to even get here"

"Deal with it" Tuck said.

" No you deal with it i'm tired of your shit I was only doing this for the crew and my girls im out" I stormed away after grabbing my stuff and walking home.


I'm feeling a little out of place but it's exciting finally being here.

It's lunch time and now I'm scanning the tables for Andie.

I see her at an empty table next to a trash can.

"hey girl" I plopped down in front of her.

"hey bel I feel so out of place" she said

"Me too but we got in for the same reason as others our talent" I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"You're in my seat." a cute curly headed boy said to Andie.

Andie looked up at him so serious.

I snorted almost choking on my water.

"Girl he's kidding lighten up" I said with a smile

"This is my seat, but I'll give you a pass for today." he said.

"Thank you kind sir" I sorta giggled.

I covered my mouth so fast and Andie looked at me in surprise.

"Nice. Nice. Nice shirt, Napoleon Dynamite. Nice. You look fantastic today, by the way. Nice hair." he sarcastically said to a boy who barley put his trash in the trash can.

He can over and sat next to me.

"It's nice to meet someone with a sense of humor" he said to me.

"What can I say" I said acting dramatic.

We burst out laughing.

"what's up i'm Robert Alexander the Third but you can call me Moose." the cute boy now known as Moose introduced himself.

"what's up i'm Andie" she introduced herself

They fist bumped but the way moose did it was different than the normal way.

"You gotta blow it up. Blow it up, right. Blow it up." Moose said.

"And i'm isabella but people call me bella"

We fist bumped and blew it up like he taught andie.

He smiled. I smiled back. I think we stayed like that for a little bit until some girl opened a can of soda and poured it out inside the trash can.

"what the hell" I muttered.

"You're not eating?" he said to Andie and I.

"You call this food?" Andie questioned incredulously.

"Tofu dogs are both nutritious and delicious. This is good. Mmm." Moose enjoyed his tofu dog.

"Taste like candy canes at Christmas" he sung to me.

Me and Andie busted out laughing.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Look at me" I said grabbing a tissue off the lunch tray.

I wiped the sauce off of his lip.

"Oh" I realized what I was doing and I hurried up and stopped.

"Sorry" I apologized blushing.

"it's fine" he said with a smile.

"I knew we could help each other out." Moose said smiling.

~end of chapter 2~

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