The Lonely Mountain, Pt. 1

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But it was a restless night that they spent, for no cloak could keep out the brutal cold that crept through the stone floors and their many layers of clothing and sank into their bones. Very few slept through the night, and those that did still awoke with aching limbs and stiff muscles.
"One more night like that would ruin us," Dwalin grumbled, rubbing his neck, "If anyone attacked us we would be nothing more than blocks of ice. We must find another place to stay." The rest of the party heartily agreed, and with Thorin in the lead, the company trooped carefully back down into the mountain. Their footsteps echoed throughout the empty halls, the stone magnifying every breath and stomp of boots. Any second Bilbo expected Smaug to leap at them from around the corner, spouting fire, but nothing came.
Thorin led them to a set of rooms bordering a long, tall corridor, with a large hall at the end, bordered with graceful carved pillars.
"These were the king's chambers in the days of my forebears," Thorin said as they investigated the rooms, "Smaug would have a difficult time indeed if he tried to reach us here. The doors are stone and it is easily defensible, if dealings come to that." And so the company spread out, picking and choosing rooms excitedly. Fili and Kili claimed one with twin beds and ornate carvings across the arching stone walls, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur shared one with large beds and tree-like pillars, Ori, Dori, and Nori found a room with a graceful loft held up by a spiraling staircase, Balin and Dwalin settled on one with diamonds carved elegantly into the walls, and Oin and Gloin claimed one with an intricately carved ceiling that had them all craning their necks to look at it. Thorin immediately walked to the largest and grandest room, with a wide stone bed framed by four straight pillars.
Bilbo walked in and out of the other rooms, marveling at the wonderful carvings and graceful architecture. Padding down the hallway softly while the dwarves' voices echoed cheerily down the corridors, he gently set his bag down in a rather small, plain room near the beginning of the hallway. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he touched the Arkenstone, deep within his coat. It set his heart aflutter, but striking up his courage, he walked out of the room again to find the dwarves hunting through other rooms for furnishings.
Much to their luck, there were several heavy stone chests that held thick blankets, heavily embroidered and creased with the long ages of being tucked away. Arms full of rich fabric, the company hurried back to their rooms, laughing gaily as they decked them out to their liking. Bilbo wandered behind, picking up what the dwarves left behind and humming to himself, walking back to his chosen room and arranging his blankets as he liked. Sitting down on his bed, he leaned up against the wall to relax, but try as he might, he could not. Groaning, he swung himself to the floor and paced through the halls, lost in thought. Eventually his steps took him back to the large hall at the end of the corridor, where he walked continuously around the columns, ignorant to Thorin's footsteps as he entered the room.
"Is all well, Master Baggins?" came Thorin's rough voice.
Bilbo jumped, then stopped walking and ran a tired hand through his hair. "I'm nervous, I guess," he sighed.
"We have made it to the mountain. Smaug is gone for the time. The treasure is ours. We are safe and will be warm tonight. What more is there to do?" Thorin replied, walking closer.
"I don't...I don't know," Bilbo said, turning around, "I have a feeling like—like we are missing something and it will come back at any moment, like we have forgotten something."
"But we have not," Thorin said firmly, "we are safe here."
"I don't know," Bilbo repeated, turning to pace again, but Thorin caught his shoulder.
"Stop pacing," he commanded, not unkindly, "You will make me nervous as well."
Bilbo sighed again, trying to ignore the way his heart was pounding at Thorin's touch. He stared at the floor, thinking hard.
"Bilbo," Thorin said quietly, making him glance up, "we are safe. What must I do to convince you of this?"
Bilbo thought for a moment. "Hold me again," he said quietly, looking into Thorin's eyes.
Something flashed behind them. "I thought you would never ask," he said almost breathlessly, placing his other hand on Bilbo's shoulder, who nodded slowly.
"I cannot ignore it," he said simply. "I love you, Thorin."
Thorin smiled larger than any time Bilbo had seen; it lit up his regal face, his dark eyes shining into his own. Drawing Bilbo close to him, they stared into each other's eyes before leaning in for a kiss. It was wonderful, more wonderful than anything Bilbo could ever have imagined—warmth bloomed in his breast, his fears abruptly washed away, the dwarf lord's hands tightly around his waist. He loved, yes, loved Thorin, and Thorin loved him, and nothing else mattered.
They leaned into each other, eyes closed, breaths quickening. The taste of Thorin's mouth filled his own, but as Bilbo bent to Thorin's shape, he started with shock. The Arkenstone! Tucked inside his pocket as it was, Thorin was bound to feel it. But thankfully for Bilbo, Ori and Nori's voices sounded in the hall, drawing closer to where they stood.
Bilbo gently pulled away from Thorin. "Don't you think we would find somewhere more private?" he said quietly, smiling slightly. Thorin smiled again, much to his relief.
"Later," he said, stepping away from Bilbo as the other dwarves walked into the room, taking and laughing loudly, ready for dinner.
Their good spirits made even the cram taste better, lightening the darkest of spirits and spreading light and warmth into the darkest of corners. Even Bilbo had to admit that the hall must have been a festive place indeed, filled with merry laughter, good wine and large dinners. Oh, how much any one of them would have given for a grand meal!
Through the chatter and hearty laughter, Bilbo did his best to avoid Thorin's gaze, but when their eyes inevitably met, a jolt of fire shot through him and he had to wrench his mind away from Thorin's noble profile or the way his hair fell over his shoulder or the flexing of the muscles in his hand as he ate. Just a few more minutes, Bilbo lad, he kept telling himself, just a few more minutes.
Sooner rather than later, stomachs still partway empty but spirits full, the dwarves strolled off to bed, Balin on watch at the end of the corridor, the company splitting into twos and threes as they separated for the night, cheery "Good-nights" echoing through the rooms. Bilbo shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way to his room, slowly threading his way down the hall, nodding and smiling to the wishes that came his way. As he slipped past Gloin, a hand caught his arm and he jumped, his heart quickening as he turned, and it jumped into his throat as he saw that it was Thorin who stopped him. With a quick glance towards a doorway, they stepped inside, and Bilbo realized that it was Thorin's bedroom.
"Is this private enough?" Thorin said, smiling and closing the doors.
Bilbo stared around him. "Yes, I think s—"
But he never got to finish, for Thorin thrust him against the stone wall, crushing his lips with his own. This time he didn't hesitate, throwing his arms around Thorin's neck and pulling him close, giving in to his desire. Their breaths quickened in tandem, mouths moving around each other's, Bilbo arching into Thorin, Thorin bending into Bilbo. Sounds of pleasure escaped them, their lips opening, the taste of their mouths mingling, their tongues finding each other.
Panting slightly, they pulled apart, then leaned in again before Thorin gently stood straight, sliding his arms from around the hobbit's small frame.
"Go get your things," he said with a smile, running his fingers across Bilbo's jaw, "you won't be sleeping alone tonight."
Smiling breathlessly and eyes shining, Bilbo turned from the room, quickly swinging the doors open and then shut behind him. He paused for a moment, happiness thrumming in his breast, before hurrying off to his room. Thank goodness Thorin had not felt the Arkenstone within his coat.
Sliding in the doorway, he quickly checked the room before bringing out the Arkenstone, hastily shoving it deep into his pack, double checking to make sure it was securely hidden. Then he swung his bag over his shoulder and padded softly back down to Thorin's room, not quite disappearing before Kili stuck his head out of his room and caught a glimpse of the small hobbit vanishing behind the thick stone doors.
Curiosity aroused, Kili slipped out into the hallway, sneaking over to peer through a crack in the door to see Thorin in his tunic and Bilbo in his shirtsleeves kissing passionately. Stifling a laugh, he hurried back to his room, shaking Fili awake.
"I do believe Thorin has taken a fancy to our burglar!" he laughed softly, and the two crept back to peer through the door, giggling rather immaturely at the sight. But Balin, on watch, caught them with their eyes pressed to the crack in the door and sent them, chuckling, back to bed.
With a glance of his own through the door, Balin laughed to himself and softly shut it the rest of the way. He sighed fondly at the thought of them together—it was good for Thorin, and Bilbo was a smart lad. They each needed someone to look after the other, and, eyes crinkled in a smile, Balin sat back down at the end of the corridor to finish the watch.
Bilbo never thought that kissing someone could make him so happy. His heart thrummed happily in his chest, Thorin's arms securely around his back as he stood on his toes to reach his lips, his hands wound in Thorin's tunic as he pressed himself into Thorin's chest.
Thorin bent down to meet him, ecstasy filling his thoughts as Bilbo pushed eagerly against his lips, his slight frame fitting so well into Thorin's strong arms. Thorin wished he could hold him like this forever, just the two of them, wound tightly in each other's grasp, but the feeling of desire started to bloom in his stomach and he gently touched Bilbo's lips with his tongue, asking for entry.
Suddenly pulling apart for a breath, Bilbo smashed his lips against Thorin's once again, opening his mouth to Thorin's, rocking forwards into him, his brow furrowing as his heart begged for more. Thorin'a heart leapt at the hobbit's reaction, passionately sliding his tongue against Bilbo's as he sighed deeply. Bilbo sighed as well, his voice sweetly higher than Thorin's, the pair rocking back and forth as they kissed, their discarded coats on the floor, the room quiet around them.
Finally, they pulled apart, breathing hard and arms around each other. Their eyes met the other's, smiles touching their lips as they gazed at the other's face, Bilbo reveling in Thorin's dark eyes and strong nose, the curve of his strong shoulders beneath his tunic, Thorin admiring the soft curls of his hair and brown eyes, the gentle smile playing around his lips.
Carefully, Thorin slid a rough hand up to cradle Bilbo's face, his thumb stroking his cheek, eyes deep and dark on Bilbo's own. Smiling fully, Bilbo felt his eyes close, Thorin's touch warm, and comforting, and lovely, and strong, and reassuring...He slid his own hand up to gently grasp Thorin's wrist, pressing his face farther into his hand.
Thorin's heart pounded in his chest, a broad smile crossing his face as Bilbo pressed into his grasp, a simple gesture of love and trust that set his pulse racing and heart swelling. Pulling Bilbo to him, he hugged him, hard, almost desperately, Bilbo folding into his arms and pressing his head to his chest with a contented sigh.
"You have no idea how happy you are making me," Thorin breathed, burying his face in Bilbo's curls.
"Mm," Bilbo conceded, enjoying the deep vibrations of Thorin's voice and the soft pounding of his heart as he pressed his head to Thorin's chest. They stood, enfolded in each other's arms, nothing to interrupt the way they clung to each other.
After some time, Thorin spoke gently, sliding his arms from around the hobbit.
"We should at least get ready for bed," he said, "I think it would be rather cold standing here all night."
"I am quite warm in your arms," Bilbo replied, hesitating an instant before kissing him again, then laughing as they pulled apart. "You are a wonderful kisser, you know that, right?"
Thorin smiled and chuckled as he crossed to the other side of the bed, pulling off his boots and socks. "And I will never refuse a kiss from you."
Bilbo grinned to himself, sliding his suspenders from his shoulders and quickly slipping into a pair of clean-ish shorts that he slept in while Thorin's back was turned. He would have to sleep in this shirt—none of his others were clean. Ah, well, it would do. Turning around again, Bilbo was surprised to see Thorin's bare back facing him from across the sheets, the dwarf lord folding his tunic roughly before tossing it to the floor, swinging his legs onto the bed, but he paused when he caught sight of Bilbo's face.
"I hope you do not mind," he said anxiously, "I normally sleep shirtless. I can put something on, if you like."
"Uh, well, no, this is fine," Bilbo stammered, blushing red as his eyes traveled involuntarily across Thorin's muscular chest and strong abs, his dark hair falling in waves across his shoulders.
"Are you sure?" Thorin asked, his brow furrowing, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Oh, no, you're not making me uncomfortable," Bilbo said quickly, sliding onto the bed and shyly looking down, "it's just..."
"Yes?" Thorin said concernedly, scooting closer.
"You're so handsome!" Bilbo burst out, immediately feeling his cheeks burn scarlet, "You're so handsome, and I'm so..." He spread his hands helplessly.
Thorin scooted up against him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, Bilbo leaning against his side.
"Don't worry about what you look like," Thorin said lovingly, fondling his hands as Bilbo tried very hard not to stare at the muscles that moved and flexed when he moved. "I will love you no matter your face." He laughed slightly. "Maybe if you slept shirtless as well, you would feel less uncomfortable."
"If you want me to take my shirt off," Bilbo said, looking up at him, "I'm fine with that."
"Oh, no, I didn't mean that," Thorin said quickly, rather embarrassed at letting his guard slip, "if you don't want to, I am—"
"So you don't want to see me shirtless?" Bilbo laughed teasingly, raising an eyebrow.
Thorin blushed red. "Well, I..."
"Oh, be quiet," Bilbo sighed, smiling and sitting upright, beginning to work at the buttons on his shirt. Thorin leaned back into the blankets and pillows, still embarrassed from his earlier remark, and tried not to watch as Bilbo undid the last button and slid the shirt off, folding in and laying it gently aside before swinging his legs into the bed and laying down next to Thorin with a sigh.
"Better?" he asked slyly, looking over at the dwarf lord.
"Mu—" Thorin cleared his throat. "Much. But if you are uncomfortable, please—"
"Thorin Oakenshield, I know what I'm doing," Bilbo said firmly, "If I did not want to sleep shirtless, we would not be having this conversation, and if my being shirtless makes you uncomfortable, then I will be terribly surprised, especially with the kisses you have given me." He looked over at Thorin. "Now be quiet and kiss me."
Thorin grinned and reached forwards eagerly, their lips meeting again, the both of them leaning into the rhythm, scooting closer to lay more comfortably next to each other. They ended up laying on their backs, not quite touching, heads turned towards each other, lost in the other's gaze. Thorin's eyes started wandering down, from Bilbo's face down his smooth jaw and slender neck, lingering on his slight chest, and traveling to rest upon the fluid lines of his stomach, rising and falling with each breath. Passion swelling within him, Thorin started to reach forwards to slide a hand across Bilbo's side, but he stopped and pulled back, not wanting to hurt him, but Bilbo broke into his thoughts.
"Please," he breathed, staring into his eyes, "Please. It's all right."
"Just—tell me if it is too much," Thorin said worriedly, "I don't want to hurt you. In any way."
"Don't worry, Thorin, go ahead," Bilbo replied, rather excited to finally have Thorin close to him.
Thorin hesitated for a moment, then softly trailed his fingertips down Bilbo's chest, careful to be gentle. Bilbo drew a quick breath, his eyes closing momentarily as Thorin stroked his chest, the soft touches becoming caresses, Thorin gently working his hand up and down his side. Suddenly, Thorin half rose, sliding his hand across Bilbo's chest as he turned to kneel next to him, Bilbo sighing slightly at the movement. Still careful to be gentle, Thorin let his hand trail down Bilbo's side to his hip and down his thigh, Bilbo breathing hard with suppressed desire. Slowly, and fighting his own passion, Thorin lightly placed his leg in between Bilbo's own, then leaned down and kissed his collarbone, his lips meeting the soft skin so provocatively that Bilbo had to grip the sheets to restrain himself.
"Too much?" Thorin asked, slightly breathlessly, "You're holding onto the sheets."
"No, no, I'm just fine," Bilbo answered.
"You know, you do not have to hold yourself back," Thorin said with a smile, "do you know how many nights I have lain awake dreaming of your touch?"
"Oh, Thorin," Bilbo sighed, then relaxed, his leg creeping up around Thorin's waist as he ran his hands up Thorin's chest to cradle his face, the dwarf lord, to his surprise, trembling under his touch.
"I just never want to repeat what happened that night in the forest," Thorin said, trying to organize his thoughts, for Bilbo's touch has sent them scrambling.
"Honestly, if you wanted to repeat what you did that night, I don't think I'd refuse," Bilbo laughed, running a thumb across his cheek.
Thorin chuckled too, but his desire finally rose like a wave within him, love filling his heart as Bilbo's laugh filled his ears. Before he knew what he was doing he had straddled his hips and was pressing passionate kisses to his neck, the smooth skin every bit as wonderful as he had dreamed of. He pushed harder against him, hungering desperately for more, his brow furrowed as he kissed up and down Bilbo's neck.
The hobbit felt his own desire swell within him, and he involuntarily tilted his head back, his mouth falling open, his eyes closing slightly as he lost himself in the feel of Thorin's mouth. Slowly, he started to slide backwards to lean against the headboard, Thorin crawling after him, never separating from him, reaching for his neck and shoulders, pressing himself into him. Bilbo's hands crept up to his shoulders, his fingers working the muscle that flexed there while Thorin kissed him, the dwarf lord's hands braced against the headboard, panting for breath in between each kiss.
Thorin's weight crushed him against the cold headboard, the solid presence strangely comforting and secretly wonderful—to press so close against him, to be this close after all the time apart. Bilbo closed his eyes and relaxed into him, and it was only after a moment did he realize that Thorin was trembling, his head pressed hard against Bilbo's chest, his arms still braced to the sides; but his brow was furrowed, and he looked...scared, Bilbo realized, waiting for any sign from himself, a shove of rejection, or a shout to stop. His heart melted inside him; strong, noble, proud Thorin was scared of what he might do.
Carefully, he began to stroke his back, just one hand lightly down his shoulder blades, Thorin trembling harder and nestling further into him. Slowly, Bilbo rested a hand on Thorin's shoulder and brushed his long hair away from his neck, running his fingers through the thick strands, combing out its raven length to lie smoothly across Thorin's broad back. Thorin sighed with pleasure, relaxing slightly, and Bilbo smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to his neck, then reached out to fold his arms around him, his fingers coming up to cradle the back of Thorin's head as the dwarf lord sat up, his hands sliding down to gently hold his waist.
"Thorin," Bilbo breathed, looking him in the eyes, "I love you."
Thorin's face shone with happiness. "I love you too. So, so much."
"Don't ever forget that," Bilbo said firmly, his eyes crinkling in a smile as he lost himself in Thorin's eyes. "I love you," he breathed again, leaning in and pressing his lips to the dwarf lord's.
They kissed deeply, sitting in each other's laps, Thorin's hands on Bilbo's waist, Bilbo's cradling Thorin's face. Their heads tilted, breaths warm on each other's cheeks, eyes closed, the sweet taste of one filling the other, lips opening as their tongues met. The room was quiet and dark, the hour of night beginning to weigh upon them, the cold starting to nip at their skin.
     "I still cannot believe that we have made it," Bilbo laughed through the kiss.
     "Mm hm," Thorin said, smiling against his lips.
     "It must have been hundreds of miles," Bilbo mused.
     "Mm hm," Thorin said again.
     Bilbo pulled back and cocked an eyebrow at him. "The way you talk about it you'd think walking across the entire world and capturing mountains from dragons was a normal thing for you."
     Thorin smiled. "Mm hm."
     Bilbo sighed good-naturedly. "Well, this is quite the adventure for me," he said, sliding his hands to his shoulders.
     "The trip, or tonight?" smiled Thorin.
     Bilbo's brown eyes crinkled in a smile. "Both." Thorin smiled, then his arms folded around him, their mouths pressed tightly against each other's, opening as they rolled over and over, Bilbo clutching Thorin's shoulders and wrapping his legs around his waist. Thorin stretched over him, one arm around his waist and the other around his back, pulling him closer. Thorin leaned in, pressing his lips to Bilbo's shoulders, feeling the tendons flex as the hobbit gasped with pleasure and arched into him, opening to his touch, his hands clinging to his broad back, his small fingers grasping at him supplicatingly.
     Their breaths were quick now, Bilbo groaning slightly as Thorin's mouth moved up his neck, working his fingers through his hair as Thorin's tongue slid over his jawbone. Pushing against him, they rolled over again, Thorin's hand stroking Bilbo's spine, Bilbo's mouth on the base of Thorin's throat. Thorin sighed with pleasure, falling back slightly, the hobbit's hands on his chest.
     Pausing for breath, Bilbo shivered as Thorin's fingers stroked the base of his spine, then rubbed his cheek against Thorin's as the dwarf lord's hands crept over his hips. Falling into him once again, they kissed vigorously, turning over, the blankets tangling around them, enclosed in each other's arms, oblivious to everything around them, chests heaving and hearts pumping. Finally, Thorin pulled the blankets over their heads and they lay next to each other, snuggled together, kissing gently as Bilbo traced Thorin's collarbone and Thorin caressed Bilbo's cheek.
     "We have come quite a long way, Master Burglar," Thorin said softly, his breath warm in the cold night.
     "Yes," Bilbo agreed, his face moving in a smile under Thorin's gentle hand, "we have."
     "When we hired a burglar, I did not know that he would be of such use." He paused, his rough fingers softly brushing Bilbo's cheek. "You have stolen my heart, dear Bilbo," he murmured, his dark eyes shining.
     Bilbo was quiet, his eyes brightening, his mouth moving with unspoken words, but he leaned up and kissed Thorin, long and slow.
     "And you are the king of mine," he whispered, resting his head against Thorin's chest and closing his eyes. Thorin smiled, his heart aflame, then placed his head on Bilbo's, breathing in his sweet scent. Closing his eyes, he curled around Bilbo's small frame, surrounding him with warmth and setting both of their hearts beating hotly again, but nestled in Thorin's strong arms, Bilbo had never felt so happy. They fell asleep, warm in the cold night, a small island in the fortress of stone.

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