The Man in Black

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Bucky's POV 

We got back from time square and I was meet by Sam "Hey buck man" he said then he saw Wanda with me and gave me a smirk. I rolled my eyes but blushed ever so slightly "There was something off at time square someone was watching Wanda and I, I need to talk to Steve" I told him. His face quickly turned from playful to serious "Yeah he's in the training room" Sam told me. Wanda and I followed Sam to where Steve was. 

Once there I  saw Steve punching bags and a pile of ripped ones beside him. Something was off he was never like this before, I made a mental note to ask him about it later. "Hey Steve sorry to interrupt but we need to talk". I told Steve everything that happened. "Okay..." He trailed off thinking about this information. "do you remember anything about what this mas looked like?" he asked  "He was wearing all black, but that's all".

"GUYS GET DOWN" I heard Wanda scream just then I saw something hit Wanda's head and she fell to the ground blacking out. I felt something in me snap as I screamed her name. Many  armed men came crashing through the tinted windows. We had no guns so the best we had was hand to hand combat. I punched a guy straight in the face with my metal hand and threw him to the ground I picked up his gun. I shot everyone who I could but Sam and Steve were knocked out. I was quickly surrounded with others but no one shot at me, just stood there ready to fire. 

"If you want her then turn yourself in" someone said I turned to look where the sound came from. A man in all black was pointing a gun at Wanda's head and holding her up with his arm around her neck. Wanda was still unconscious so she could not do anything. "I care about her more than I care about myself"  those words flashed in my mind as  I dropped my gun and put my hands up in surrender. Then men enclosed on me and shot me with a gun unlike I have ever seen, It only stunned me but I blacked out. The last thing I saw was Wanda's limp body dropping to the floor and the man in black whispering something in her ear....

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Wanda's POV

I wake up to a blinding light and people around me. "Wanda your awake!" Carol said gleefully hugging me tight. "W-what happened?" I asked. "We were hoping you could tell us that" Tony said crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame. "Well James, Steve, and Sam were talking about how people were watching James and I at time square. Then I heard other thoughts outside the windows. I told them to get down but then everything went black" I explained. "The others, are they safe?" I asked frantically. "Sam and Steve are but Barnes vanished" Tony informed me I let out a annoyed sigh and fell back on to my pillow.

James? Who the hell is James? Breath. Why are you here solider? To end you...

I shot up from my bed sweating. 'Just a nightmare, Just a nightmare' I told myself. I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. Splashing water on my face I let a few tears slip from my eyes. James was probably dead or the winter solider following orders blindly by now. I turned off the water and went down to the training room.    

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Bucky's POV

I woke up in a cell, more like a box. there was clear glass all around me and my body was strapped to a chair with heavy duty metal. A man was sitting in front of me with his hands crossed in front of him. "Who are you" I demanded "Why I am the man in black" He said "Who are you really" I said again "You really don't like that answer, hmm, well my name is Zemo and you work for me now" He said pulling out a small red book with a star on it. My eyes widened "Where did you get that" I yelled. "Oh this" He pointed to the book in his hands "Oh well you know I found it laying around" He told me calmly " I growled at him he opened it up and did what I wished he did not. 

"Longing,"  No "rusted," Stop, "daybreak," Stop it now "seventeen,"  No, I said stop "benign," I felt my self slipping away, with all my might I pulled my arms from the metal "nine,"  Banging against the glass STOP NOW "homecoming,"  banging harder on the glass there was a small crack."one,"  I was almost gone. "freight car" I broke through the glass but stopped straight in my tracks, "Solider?"  The words came out of my mouth as I bowed my head "Ready to comply"

He slammed the book closed. "Good, now your first mission, get the witch" An evil smirk spread across his face and he walked out of the room guards taking his place.

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Very sorry it's so short but important to the story hope you guys enjoyed Love y'all!

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