The Four

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Natasha's pov

I woke up in the hospital with Clint sitting in a hospital chair next to me. He seemed very stressed, his head was in his hands and his back was hunched over; it sorta seemed like he might even be asleep.

"Clint?" I tried to say cautiously but nothing came out of my mouth. I tried again but this time all that came out was a horse whisper. I reached my hand up to my throat and tried again one more time.

"Clint-" Finally after much strain my voice mustered out his name. His head shot up immediately looking straight at me, only then I could see his puffy eyes and tear-stained face.

"Natasha, Natasha you're finally awake, thank god thank god" Clint stuttered while getting up from his swat and pacing around the room.

"Clint, what's wrong? What happened?" I had more questions but I opted on asking someone else later because of Clint's mental state at the moment.

"I have to get the doctors," Clint mindlessly said ignoring my comments as he scurried out of the room. He was definitely out of it today.

Three doctors then entered the room one a man around the age of 30 with brown hair and black eyes, a woman around the age of 20 who seemed to be a nurse judging by her scrubs, and another woman also around the age of 20, it seemed as the two women may be twins judging by their similar features such as blond hair and blue eyes.

Immediately the man and nurse walk over to some machines and press a few buttons while the other woman comes up to me and smiles sweetly.

"Hi Ms. Romanoff, welcome back," she said while her smile grew.

"W-what do you mean? What happened?!" I was very agitated at this point as that was shown through the rise of the tone of my voice.

"How about I let Mr. Stark explain that." She says while retreating back to where the other doctors were working to reveal Tony leaning against the door frame.

I groan in annoyance, "Now you show up I thought you would still be at your press conference." I say while rolling my eyes.

"Natasha, that was three days ago, you have been unconscious for three days," he said solemnly.

I just stared at him in shock "N-no... you're lying, I couldn't have been, this can't be happening." I stuttered out. I then looked up at him to meet his eyes "Who did this to me, Tony?" I asked.

Tony eyed the doctor signaling them to leave which they promptly complied to then turned back to me sitting down in the chair Clint was in before. He sat down, legs crossed and hands in his lap.

"That night, there was something in all of the coffee you were drinking, we don't know what it is or how it got in there but all we know is when Peper and I got back everyone was on the ground unconscious, besides Carol. Carol was gone." he looked down at his hands before continuing, "It has been three days you're the only one awake, and Bruce, Bruce is in a coma."

That last sentence hit me hard, Bruce has always been like a little brother to me. "But you guys aren't suspecting Carol... Right?" I asked more alarmed now. Tony just looked down fidgeting with his hands. Clearly, everyone is stressed out, because no one is acting like their normal self. "Oh good Tony." I sighed sitting back in my chair, he did suspect her.

"Natasha, I am going to figure this out, you need to rest, understand?" He said more confidently as he stood up from the chair brushing off his suit pants. I just rolled my eyes and turned the other way. "Okay sassy teenager" I heard him mutter as he turned and left the room. I sighed in fatigueness as my eyes slowly drifted shut.

Zemo's pov

I had all four of them now.

All working for me.

We left the rest unconscious. 

We knew Bruce would be two hard to control with two consciousnesses.

So we put him in a coma.

The rest are too weak to do anything.

 Soon they will all be mine. 

Soon, I will be able to start the real plan.

Random Civilians pov

I locked my office door and headed for the elevator to take me to the base floor. I was so ready to go home, it had been a long day at work and I felt like falling asleep right then and there. I decided to stop by my favorite local coffee shop to wake me up a little before the 30-minute commute back home. 

When I pushed the clear door open I heard a small jingle from the bell placed on the door ring through the small store. I was then hit with the delicious smell of fresh pastries and warm coffee as I walked over to the counter. 

"The regular," I said to the counter worker who was in front of me, Joane. I had been here countless times for them to know exactly what I meant. She nodded while pushing some buttons into a small iPad propped up in front of her. I fumbled around for my wallet before pulling out my VISA credit card and scanning it along the iPads side. I heard a small beep telling me to remove the card while she turned around a mixed my coffee. 

After taking my coffee and croissant from the nice lady I turned around and left the shop. But I was met with something unexpected. 

People were running away from the train station while shouting and screaming. I turned to look at the source of the commotion when I saw Four people dressed in all black emerge from the train station. They looked deadly with no expression in their eyes. 

I squinted trying to make out the people walking out from the train station terminal when it clicked. Those were some of the Avengers, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rodgers, Carol Danvers, and James Buchanan Barnes. Why was everyone afraid of them, they are our heroes. 

I then saw Wanda's head snap in my direction with her hex building in her hands. Suddenly I saw red charging at me, then felt the most excruciating pain in my life.  Her hex shot me right in the stomach sending me flying back, I was not bleeding but it felt like everyone bone in my body was broken. I looked up at her with fear and confusion but she just stared at me blankly before walking along with the others. 

What happened to our heroes-

Yeah, that just happened. Anyways I hoped you liked these last two chapters, I want to finish this story for you guys so hopefully more chapters will come out soon. I am having more fun writing and I feel I have improved a lot. Comment suggestions, vote and follow me for notifications on when I update. BYE.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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