Girls weekend

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I needed a place to put that pic i love it, and it's so true!! ^^^^^^^^

Hola ppl, Chapter 5 is out!! I also have a quote, it doesn't  really connect with the story but it's about something that's been on my mind....

'Even that bravest person can't stop a bullet'

anyways, read:

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Carol's POV

Dear diary,                                                                                                                                                                                     I was made an official avenger on the night that I first came and it was the best night I have had in 10 years, even though I was the reason the avengers started it feels like I have missed so much and that I will never really fit into the group. Wanda assures me that it will be fine and that's how it felt for her at the beginning but I am still not sure if I will ever fit in like her. Wanda, Natasha, Maria, and Pepper are so kind to me and so supportive. They have invited me to out with them for a girls weekend, I have no idea what that is but it sounds fun! I have to go now bye!!

                                                                                                                    -Carol Danvers

I closed up my diary and shoved it under my bed. Right then Wanda came into my room, quickly realizing what she did she went back out the door and knocked on my door. 

"Come in" I snorted whilst smiling 

"Hi two things, one sorry I came in just like that, and two are you all packed?" She asked while coming in.

"It's fine and yes" I answered.

"Okay meet you in the jet in 10?"

"sure" I smiled, she then left as quick as she came.

I got up from my bed and walked over to where by backpack was in the corner room I threw it over one shoulder and was about to leave when I reached under my bed and then stuffed my diary in. Then I walked out of my room to go to the jet.

Wanda's POV

I was in the kitchen filling up a bottle of water when James came in. He crossed his arms while staring at me.

"yes?" I asked setting my water bottle down and turning towards him.

"Nothing I'm just watching"

"okay...? Well I have to go now bye" I turned on my heal quickly and was about to leave when he grabbed my arm.

"what now?" I asked very annoyed

"I just got you some perfume for your trip" he said grinning whilst handing my a small bottle of perfume 

"You got me perfume, for a camping trip?" I said looking at him like he was the most stupid person in the world.

"Yep" he said still grinning

"Wow so I guess you think I smell bad, rude" I said rolling my eyes

His smile quickly dropped "uh- no no I don't mean it like that- I just thought that you are a girl and y-"

"Save your breath Barnes" I say handing the perfume bottle back to him. I grabbed my water bottle and was about to leave but he stopped me again. 

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