Nightmares and hope

436 18 1

Wanda's POV

We Just got back from are camping trip and I was exhausted even though it was only 8:00. The Boys were waiting outside of the Jet when we arrived. Sam helped Maria, Steve helped Nat, And Tony helped pepper I knew I was right. Carol and I walked off the jet and said "hi" to the others but then started to walk back to the compound. I should have been looking where I was going but I then bumped into James.

"I'm so sorry about that...." I said looking up "...James" I added while tilting my head. Carol gave me another smirk, god how many times has she done that since she got here! Retreating back to her room she left left James and I alone.

I didn't realize he was staring at me until I looked back up at him, I quickly grew uncomfortable and was about to leave when his voice caught me from doing so.

"Um Wanda I am sorry about what happened before you left" He said genuinely while scratching the back of his neck and looking down. It then clicked that he was trying to be kind by giving me a present and trying to help with my bags.

"No, you should not be sorry I should" not understanding the words coming out of my mouth I continued "You were Just trying to be kind and I-, I was being my selfish self."

He was going to protest but I put my finger over his mouth hushing him "Good night soldier" I said before walking to my room. It felt as a weight lift off my shoulders I looked back to see a smiling man with his hand in his pockets looking back at me.  

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-Later that night-

My eyes shot open and I let out a scream of agony and pure devastation as the nightmare from the night replayed in my mind. My vision became blurry as I let hot, wet tears pour from my now scarlet eyes.  

I saw a blurry figure run into the room, James. 

"Wanda Wanda what's wrong what happened?"

"Hydra, Mom, Shell, Dad, Bomb, Stark, Carol, Ultron, Peitro," I could only get the main points of the nightmare out of my hoarse throat. 

I had no idea what I was doing but I didn't care, I fell into James's arms and buried my head into his neck. I was just waiting for him to push me away and get up and leave but instead he rapped his arms around my trembling body.   

Slowly my eyes started to close again and I fell asleep on James.

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The next morning I woke up in my bed, James was gone and it was 6:21. I slipped out from under the covers and opened the blinds to be meet by the sun. I rubbed my eyes letting out a yawn. I got ready for the day and went down to the kitchen.

"Hey little witch" I heard a familiar voice call

"Hey Sam" I smiled softly looking at my feat

He put his spatula down next to the stove where eggs were being made "Wanda what's wrong? are you alright?"  He asked

"Y-yeah just nightmares" I lied it wasn't just nightmares it was James. How could he be so kind to me after everything I have done to him? I pushed the thought out of me head and looked up at Sam "But I'm fine now" I told him with that I went behind the counter to help him make breakfast. 

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Everyone ate breakfast that is everyone but James no one knew where he was. I felt it was my fault he probably left us all because of how I acted last night. 

"Where's James?" I asked while putting my plate away

"Not sure, he'll turn up though" Steve told me I just nodded

"I'm going to go for a run i'll see you guys later" I filled up a water bottle then went to my room to change.

The fresh air  and cool breeze was nice. I don't know how or why but my mind wandered back to James. The moment we shared together his cold metal hand around my waist, his buff muscles, handsome face. SHIT did I really just think that?! I let out a sigh even if I did like him he wouldn't like me back.

Bucky's POV

I was out on a run, I wasn't hungry and I needed some fresh air. I also was thinking about Wanda. She was amazing just looking at her made me dizzy. Her smile was beautiful her laugh was calming. I- I like her like, I love her, but stupid HYDRA controlled me and all my hope was gone. Hope at being normal, Hope of having a family, Hope of being with Wanda. She could never love me after everything I did to her. I care about her more than I care about myself.     

I felt myself bump into someone I looked up to see Wanda. "Uh I- um sorry about that" I stumbled.

"No need to be" She smiled softly . Damn that smile how much I liked her....If only she knew.

"Hey um...I was thinking of going to the town to walk around uh I was wondering if you um you would like to j-join me?" I heard her say

"Yeah sure" I replied 

We both started walking towards time square neither one of us speaking forming an awkward silence. I stuck my hands in my pocket and looked down, I didn't need anyone recognizing me. 

"Ice cream?" she asked


We both walked up to a small shop and ordered Ice cream, Wanda ordered mint chocolate chip and I ordered plain chocolate. We sat down on a bench on the corner of the street just eating ice cream. We sat in silence when I noticed a black figure staring at us. A car went by blocking my view of this mysterious man when the car was gone so was he. 

"Hey Wanda, why don't we goo back to the compound something feels off" I said breaking the silence.

"Okay..." She said a bit unsure but got up and we took a taxi back to the compound. If only we knew we were being followed....

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DUH DUH DUH!! Cliff hanger, you guys can comment down below who you think is following them and what they are going to do!! Thank you guys so much for reading have a fab day!

   - Ash

The Past [currently on hold]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz