Sister to sister

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Wanda's POV

Where we left off....

I dragged my feet to my room, that was not the way it was suppose to go I thought. I flicked on my room light to find a girl sitting on my bed. My water bottle slipped from my now trembling skinny fingers landing on the ground as my jaw dropped open.

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"Oh my lord, Carol!" I exclaimed while running towards her.

"Did you miss me Wands?" She smirked

"Carol it's been so long h-how did you know I was here?" I stammered embracing her in a hug

"Eh I know my way around" She smiled

"C-carol P-peitro is g-gone" I said as my lip quivered

"I know sestra I know, It's okay though he's with mom and dad" She said soothingly while stroking my back.

Just then James opened the door "Hey uh Wanda w-we need t- WHO THE HELL IS THIS" He said raising his metal fist. I rolled my eyes wiped away my tears and stood up. "Give me one second Carol" I then turned around and jabbed my finger at James "You get out here right now" I said roughly while walking out the door. 

"Wanda who is that? how did she get in? How do you k-" he started

"Shut up, that's my adopted sister I have not seen her in 10 years, Her name is Carol, she and Fury are friends, and she has powers stronger than mine." I growled at him "Now I am telling you this once and only once. Stay. Away. From. Her."

"Wanda I- am sorry I didn't know pl-"

"I said shut up" I barked at him before storming back to my room. 

I told Carol all about HYDRA, James, my powers, and the Avengers. she then told my about the Kree, Skrull, her powers, and Mar-vell. 

"Wait hold up, so you came back to earth but didn't know that Peitro and I were you siblings?" I asked slightly shocked 

"Yeah I wish I did know then there would be no HYDRA and we could all live peacefully... or as peaceful as life gets" She said in a disappointed tone.

"why did you come back and how did you learn that I was your sister let alone find me?!" I asked even more confused. 

"Well Fury kinda put some things together and then told me with the communicator I said only for  emergencies but this, this was worth it" she smiled as she took hold of my hand.

I smiled back before I told her that everyone would be waiting soon and we should go down to eat, that is after we tell everyone she's here.

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The elevator doors opened to the kitchen, but this time there was a fancy table set out and everyone was sitting at the table with untouched dishes of food in front of them. This time it was not just the Avengers it was all the important people of S.H.E.I.L.D which was very odd.

"Is it always this fancy" Carol whispered to me

"Never" I whispered back

"Ah your here, Wanda, Carol" Fury said 

"Wait you knew she was here?" I asked shocked

"Of course I knew I am the one you invited her here!" he laughed

I rolled my eyes at Carol and she just smirked back.

"Well why don't you guys come and eat?" Fury said gesturing to two chairs. 

I smiled at Carol as we walked over to the two chairs.

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I brought Carol to her new room for she was now an official avenger!

"Well this is your new room" I said as she inspected it "Mine is just down the hall if you need anything"

"Thank you Wanda" She smiled whilst giving me a hug

I hugged back after walking back to my room. I opened up the door to find James sitting on my bed looking at the ground.

"What is it with people sitting on my bed when I walk in?" I say annoyed

"Wanda we need to talk" He said still looking at the ground.

"What do you want" I say crossing my arms and leaning on the door frame.

"I want you to give me another chance" He told me finally looking up at me.

"Well I hate to break it to you but I don't just give people another chance after they stab me in the back" I scoffed

"Fine I will earn my chance" He said with determination in his voice.

He then got up and walked out the door after saying good night to me. I kept looking forward confused about what just happened. I let out a soft smile before climbing into bed.

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So I watched Captain Marvel again and really wanted to put her into the story so I did! I know , I know It's kind of weird and doesn't fit into the Marvel story line but whatever! hope you guys enjoyed love ya'll!

-Lil' T

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