Book Two: Chapter Thirteen

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 "So this is where the great Sophie Foster lives," Keefe said when we leaped to Havenfield, landing right in front of Verdi's pasture as usual. I scratched the green T. Rex's neck through the bars thoughtfully. Stormy, who I'd of course brought, sniffed one of Verdi's long neon feathers through the bars.

"I always forget that you haven't been here before," I mused as Verdi let out a satisfied roar that made Keefe jump back. Laughing, I led him, Sophie, and Sandor through the enclosures to the Havenfield mansion. Sophie's room took up one of the entire floors of the manor. The carpet was made of purple and blue flowers that I levitated above so as not to cause them any damage. The three of us sat on Sophie's bed, Sandor keeping watch outside the door. Keefe's eyes immediately went to Ella, Sophie's blue stuffed elephant. He grabbed it, examining the faded stuffed animal carefully.

"Wow, you really sleep with this thing? I thought Fitz was joking when he gave this to you while you were recovering." Sophie snatched the elephant from him and set it down gently on her desk chair. I grinned. She was clearly already regretting the decision to have Keefe in her room. Iggy, her imp, currently dyed pink, curled up in my lap. I stroked his fluffy fur as he let out a series of crackly squeak-purrs, while Stormy tried to make him get off of me.

"Only you would have a pet imp-and dye it hot pink," Keefe teased.

"Actually, Dex was the one that dyed him," Sophie informed him.

"Ah, yes, I forgot about Dex. He comes over a lot, doesn't he?" Keefe asked.

"We are best friends," Sophie pointed out. I rolled my eyes at my idiotic brother.

"Nobody's stealing her from you," I said quietly, mockingly, in his direction. "Remember, I come here all the time, and I like girls too." Keefe went bright red. Sophie didn't seem to have heard. I giggled softly under my breath. It was far too easy to embarrass my big brother.

"So I was thinking-" Sophie started.

"Oh, good, at least one of us should," Keefe interrupted. I punched him lightly in the arm. 

"Ow, Cass! What was that for?"

"She's serious, Keefe! Stop being an idiot." Sophie gave me a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Cass. Nice job. Anyway, before I tell you anything, I need you two to agree to three conditions."

"Okay, okay. And those would be?" Keefe asked. I unclenched my fist. I'd been ready to punch him again if he'd had another stupid response.

"Number one. Anything I tell you can never be repeated, to anyone-ever. Not even Fitz," she told Keefe.

"What about Biana?" I inquired. Sophie hesitated. Stormy succeed in batting Iggy with her paw so much that he left my lap and curled up in Keefe's instead. Satisfied, Stormy settled down, happy that her master was now petting her and not some other mysterious creature.

"I... I didn't think about that. But I don't want you to tell her, just in case. I don't want to give anyone false hope," Sophie admitted. I paused, thought for a second, then nodded.

"Fine. Ugh, she's going to be so mad at me," I groaned. But that was less important than fixing her father.

"Two, I'm the one who makes the decisions, and you don't get to argue with them." Okay, that one was definitely not going to be final.

"Um, that's completely unfair! If it was just you and this blockhead, I'd agree with you, but I can actually make smart choices," I reminded her. Keefe faked a shocked expression.

"That hurts, little sis." I rolled my eyes at him and raised my eyebrows at Sophie.

"You can suggest things, I guess. That's it, though," she insisted. I grinned.

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