Chapter Two

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"So, I hear there's a new prodigy at Foxfire," Mother announced at the dinner table a few nights later. I nodded.

"Yes, Mother, her name is Sophie. She was living with humans up until now," I answered politely. With Father around, I'd never dare to call her Mom. Father raised his eyebrows. Keefe was slouching in his chair, poking at his plate of half-finished food.

"I like her," Keefe muttered in a monotone. He was never one for sitting around the table as a family for half an hour every night.

"Yes, I quite like her too," I agreed, smiling at Keefe. Was it just me, or was that a flash of panic in Mother's eyes?

"Cassia, Keefe, you must both stay far away from that girl. She'll be nothing but trouble," Mother ordered. Nobody heard my almost-silent gasp. Keefe straightened in his chair with a strange look on his face. I braced myself for an argument I would surely be in the middle of again.

"No," Keefe snapped, on the defense. It didn't take much to get him riled up, especially when we were all together. Father gave us both a stern look, and I melted. Father absolutely terrified me, and I had never and would never go against him.

"You will do as your mother tells you, Keefe. Your sister is not arguing," Father replied in a cold voice. It was true, I wasn't arguing. I was near tears, though. I hated conflict, and I wanted to be friends with Sophie. Why couldn't I be?

"You can't control who my friends are," Keefe continued angrily. Couldn't Keefe feel the emotions coming from the rest of us? He's an Empath, he should read the room. 

But then, Father had the same ability as him. Mother was glaring at my brother, she hated when Keefe acted like this. I wanted to disappear.

"I can and I will. You ought to show your mother some respect. I raised you both to be polite and well-mannered. Cassia is-"

"Yeah, Cassia's polite, Cassia's smart, Cassia has a big great stupid future!" Keefe shouted, standing up, his chair falling over with a clatter. "I'm the disrespectful one, huh. Keefe's dumb, Keefe's a disappointment, Keefe's never going to be as good as his little sister is!" 

I looked up at him in shock. I never thought he cared what I acted like. Pleasing Mother was all I wanted, anyway. I knew that he didn't care about that kind of thing, but I didn't know he hated me for it.

"Keefe," I whispered, looking at him pleadingly. "Keefe, stop." But he went on, yelling at Mother and Father. I couldn't take it anymore. This was my least favorite thing in the world. I stood up.

"Keefe, stop talking," I commanded desperately, and something strange was in my tone of voice. It was smooth, calming, and sweet, like tea with honey. Keefe's mouth immediately snapped shut. 

He looked at me with wide eyes. I looked back at him. What did I just do? Mother and Father were staring at me. A small smile twitched at the corner of Mother's mouth.

"I-I just want everyone to calm down," I stuttered. Keefe, still with his mouth closed, put a hand on my outstretched arm. His eyes widened. Father seemed to be reading my emotions as well from across the table. He cleared his throat.

"Cassia, I believe you've manifested your ability," Father announced. I turned my gaze to him, amazed.

"I... I have? What am I?" I asked, so excited. Keefe was older than me when he manifested! So was Fitz, and Biana hadn't gotten her ability yet either! I would be the youngest elf to manifest a special ability! Mother beamed at me. Father seemed to be smiling too, though I couldn't really tell. He never had before.

"A Beguiler," Mother declared proudly. My face lit up.

"Really? Oh, wow!" I turned to Keefe. "Um, you can... open your mouth." Instantly, his jaw dropped. He quickly closed it, frowned, and turned to storm off to the Vortinator, which could take an elf to any floor of the tower we lived in. 

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