Chapter Four

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I knocked on Dame Alina's office door three times and heard a musical 'Come in!' from inside. Biting my bottom lip nervously, I carefully opened the ornate door. Dame Aline was sitting behind her desk, in front of which was another chair. I felt like I was getting sent to the principal for being in trouble. Dame Alina was giving me her trademark brilliant smile. I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"Have a seat," Dame Alina invited, indicating the chair across from her. The troublemaker's chair. The delinquent's chair. Keefe's chair. I sat in it without hesitation.

"Beguiling is an intricate art, and a powerful one," Dame Alina began. "There are many rules and restrictions so that the ability is not used for illicit purposes. We will start your training by going over each and every one of these boundaries." Of course we wouldn't get started on real Beguiling right away. I should have been more patient. It made sense, and I did have to learn this.

"Okay, let's do it," I said. Dame Alina laughed.

"Eager, are we? I want to start by you Beguiling me as best you can, so that I can get an idea of your raw talent," she told me. I felt like an idiot.

"What should I tell you to do?" I asked her.

"Anything you like, physical or mental," Dame Alina replied. Hmm. What should I have her do? Preferably something that would make a good story for Keefe. How about...

"I have it. Ready?" Dame Alina nodded, smiling. I prepared myself.

"Become your favorite animal and do what it would do," I intoned in a voice both like and unlike my own, silky smooth and rich as chocolate. Maybe it wouldn't work, but-

"RAWRRRR!" Dame Alina growled, leaping onto her desk with her knees bent, making her look much smaller. I fell backwards out of my chair.

"AAARRRGGGHHH!" she yelled, ripping up several papers on her desk with her teeth and hands, which she held like claws. I was thoroughly shaken, lying spread-eagled on the ground. What had I done? Just then, I heard a noise that would forever haunt my nightmares. Dame Alina let out the loudest, most sonorous fart I had ever heard. Just like the sound Sophie's pet imp, Iggy made when he passed gas. Dame Alina's favorite animal was an imp?!

"Dame Alina!" I shouted, jumping up off of the floor. She turned to me with wild eyes. What should I do? What did imps like

Then I remembered Sophie calmly stroking Iggy's fluffy fur on the top of his head. He seemed to really enjoy that, so maybe I should...

 I reached out a hand and awkwardly... petted my principal. She let out a crackly purr, just like Iggy did when he was happy. I continued petting her, trying to think, but was interrupted when Dame Alina snapped a fly out of the air... and ate it.

 I had to stop her before she somehow destroyed her office or killed someone. She had already ripped up several important-looking papers. This was bad. This-this was really bad.

"Return to the form of an elf," I intoned sweetly, as calmly as I could. Dame Alina stared at me, then slowly her eyes became less wild and crazy, and she blinked several times. I pulled my hand away from her heaf.

"What... what-" Dame Alina pulled several pieces of paper out of her mouth.

"What happened?" she finally asked, taking in the state of her desk. I hesitated.

"Um. I-I told you to act like your favorite animal." Dame Alina blanched and took another look at her desk.

"So... I did all of this?" she asked. I nodded.

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